Cornucopia, Baker County, Oregon 

Cornucopia: Cornucopia is located high in the Eagle Mountains, at the upper end of Pine Valley and inaccessible in winter. The town was hastily constructed when gold was discovered in 1880. Millions of dollars came from this area where the steep mountains and deep canyons were honeycombed with miles of subterranean shafts or bridged with high tramways.

Cornucopia 1884


                                                                                                         Rochelle Wyatt Photo
1910 Main Street, Cornucopia

                                                                                    Anderson Photo

Freighting, Cornucopia, Oregon

                                                                                 Rochelle Wyatt Photo

Hog Tramway from Last Chance Mine to Mill, Cornucopia

About 1972
We don't know if anything is left at the present time,
but if someone has any updates, please let us know.


In early 1900's the Cornucopia worked ore into concentrate
(100 tons every eight hours)


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