Oregon Genealogy

Mount Hope Cemetery Map, Baker City, Oregon

Section Codes

01-Acacia Garden 10-Masonic Park 19-Old Masonic
02-Baby Heart 11-Mausoleum 20-Schroeder
03-Catholic Circle 12-Mt. Hope 21-Southeast Cleaver
04-Eagles 13-Northeast Cleaver 22-Southwest Cleaver
05-Elks 14 Northeast Cleaver 23-Southwest Cleaver Endowed
06-IOOF #166 15-Northeast Cleaver Endowed 24-Union
07-IOOF #25 16-New Vets 25-Veterans
08-Maplevies, 17-Northwest Cleaver Endowed 26-Wests
09-Masonic 18-Old Catholic 27-Weber

Return to Mt. Hope Cemetery

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