Muddy Creek School - 1936 - 1939

Muddy Creek Grade School 1936 - 1937

Belva Ticknor Photo

Front Row: Henry Hobbs, Eugene Shanklin, Gordon Aldrich, Dale Lethlean, Bert Vanderwall, Gary Aldrich, John Loennig, J.O. Maxwell, Charles Fisher, Ralph Loennig
Second Row: Ardetta Daniels, Erma Shanklin, Esther Pritchard, Catharine Hardman, Patty Cook, Jesse Nell Adams, Phyllis Perkins ?, Joann Cook, Peggy Maxwell, Ida Miller, Cecille Spence, ________
Third Row: _________, Ted Badsky, Royal Vanderwall, Lyle Adams, ________, _________, ________, Bonita Osborne ?, John Fisher, Lloyd McCullough, Billy Davis, ________, Miss Cleo Bennent

Muddy Creek School (Lower Grades) 1936 -1937

Belva Ticknor Photo

Front row: Gordon Aldrich, Dale Lethlean, Bert Vanderwall, Gary Aldrich, John Leonnig
Second row: Erma Shanklin, Eugene Shanklin, Catharine Hardman, J.O. Maxwell, Patty Cook, Henry Hobbs, Charles Fisher, Joann Cook, Peggy Maxwell
Third row: Esther Pritchard,  Ted Badsky, Ardetta Daniels, Lloyd McCullough, Miss Cleo Bennent, Ida Miller, Billy Davis, Cecille Spence, Ralph Leonnig,

Muddy Creek Grade School 1937 -1938

Belva Ticknor Photo

Front Row: Guy Pritchard, Patty or Joann Cook, Gary Aldrich, Arlene Carnes, Gordon Aldrich, Peggy Maxwell, Elsie Loennig
Second Row: John Loennig, Charles Fisher, J.O. Maxwell, Bert Vanderwall, Patty or Joann Cook, Larry Woodell
Third Row: Catharine Hardman, Kenneth Johnson, Ardetta Daniels, Don Coleman, Esther Pritchard, Ted Badsky, Tom Pierce

Muddy Creek Grade School 1938 -1939

Belva Ticknor Photo

Front row: Neil Aldrich, Gerald Maxwell, Carlie Leonnig, Marcus Sakus, Bonnie Johnson, Joann Chandler, Anna Mae Smith, Audrey Carnes
Second row: Jimmy Welty, Dean Van Nice,Guy Pritchard, Alan Maxwell, Joann Cook, Peggy Maxwell, Elsie Leonnig,
Third row: Henry Hobbs, Gary Aldrich, J.O. Maxwell, Francis Maxwell (teacher), Esther Pritchard, Percilla Romans

Muddy Creek School

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