Muddy Creek School 1939 - 1940

Muddy Creek High School 1939-1940

First Row: Doris Bond, Kathleen Osborne, Virginia Williams, Marjorie Hardman, Betty Emele, Pat Davis, Dorethy Davis, Nita Van Nice, Miss Cattle, Teacher
Second Row: Betty Maxwell, Wilma Brewnell, Emily Leonnig, Bonita Osborne, Elinor Miller, Shirley Welty, Phyllis Perkins
Third Row: John Miller, Mr. Jones, Teacher, Kenneth Jones, John Fisher, Don Lillard, Gene Cox, Junior Davis, Lewis Aldrich, Herbert Leonnig, Don Coleman, Lester Rutter, Sidney Johnson

Entire School 1939 - 1940

1.Neil Aldrich
2.Gerald Maxwell
3.Marcus Sackus
4.Carlie Loennig
5.Diane Loennig
6.Arvilla Heard
7.Norna Pritchard
8.Joy Lethlean
9.Joanne Chandler
10.Anna Mae Smith
11.Audry Carnes
12.Elsie Loennig
13.Dean Van Nice
14.Guy Pritchard
15.Alan Maxwell
16.Jim Welty
17.Ardetta Daniels
18.Twila Van Nice
19.Catherine Hardman
20.Arlene Carnes
21.Peggy Maxwell
22.Pricilla Roman
23.Joanne Maxwell
24.Esther Pritchard
25.Bert Vanderwall
26.Mr. Jones
27.Gordon Aldrich
28.Tom Pierce
29.Charles Fisher
30.John Loennig
31.J.O. Maxwell
32.Gary Aldrich
33.Henry Hobbs
34.Kenneth Johnson
36.Ted Badsky
37.Ralph Loennig
38.Oliver Hardman
39.Tom Bacus
40.Royal Vanderwall
41.Lyle Adams
42.Vernuel Smith
43.Jessie Nell Adams
44.Lloyd Jones
45.Dale Lethlean
46.Peter Romans
47.Bill Davis
48.Lloyd McCullough
49.Miss Sampson
50.Mrs. Frances Maxwell
51.Mr. Van Nice
52.Pat Davis
53.Nita Van Nice
54.Doris Bond
55.Kathleen Osborne
56.Virginia Williams
57.Betty Emele
58.Marjorie Hardman
59.Betty Maxwell
60.Dorothy Davis
61.Miss Cattle
62.John Fisher
63.Sidney Johnson
64.John Miller
65.Kenneth Jones
26.Mr. Jones
66.Wilma Brownell
67.Junior Davis
68.Emily Loennig
69.Lewis Aldrich
70.Bonita Osborne
71.Herbert Loennig
72.Elinor Miller
73.Don Coleman
74.Shirley Welty
75.Don Lillard
76. Phyllis Perkins
77. Gene Cox
78. Lester Rutter

Muddy Creek School

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