History of Malheur County, Oregon

History of Malheur
County, Oregon

Western Historical Publishing Company ~ 1902

     No author names are given in this book. Per the Introduction it is assumed it was compiled by many persons, searching newspaper, civil records, and interviewing the pioneers still living in the area who were a part of, or witnessed the events in the book.
     The following are names of the persons with a biography in this book. If you would like a biography transcript of a name listed below, send an email to the volunteer, Yvonne.

Amidon, Charlie E 587 Lockett, Robert A 626
Arnold, Thomas L 609 Logan, William L 618
Barton, Thomas A 625 Lyells, George W 621
Beam, Edward 586 Mack, Alva P 583
Beers, Ransom 572 Madden, James E 590
Beers, William P 563 Madden, Joseph A 603
Bigelow, Jonathan B 622 Mangin, William M 571
Blackaby, J. R. 565 McCain, James 572
Blanton, George W 604 McGregor, Andrew 567
Bradley, Eber L 594 McLaughlin, John B 599
Brinnon, George W 599 Miller, William 609
Brosnan, Jeremiah 625 Minton, William F 586
Brown, George G 580 Morehead, Cornelius G 559
Bush, Sylvester F 607 Morfitt, Cyrus W 595
Carlton, William C 560 Morfitt, William 560
Clement, James T 619 Morton, Joseph A 628
Clement, Roswell W 588 Moss, Alvin S 556
Clinton, Elbert H 582 Nichols, George 559
Clinton, George W 581 O’Neill, Frank 581
Cole, Emory 585 Parks, William 556
Cole, Joshua L 562 Payne, Stowell L 605
Davis, Charles D 584 Pederson, John 613
Davis, James T 558 Peer, Alonzo 615
Derrick, Jerome S 612 Peirce, George W 614
Dinwiddie, Joseph M 561 Phelps, Perry E 597
Divin, Robert M 576 Pogue, George A 600
Doran, John 610 Pullen, William H 555
Dunbar, David 582 Quinn, William 612
Duncan, George W 616 Ricker, Frank M 615
Edwards, John S 584 Rieger, Erwin A 574
Ehrgood, Daniel R 627 Rose, John Hardy 611
Eldredge, Henry S 594 Rutherford, Richard S 592
Emison, Sanford N 618 Scott, William J 620
Farley, James H 591 Sells, John L 603
Fiser, Thomas B 598 Shea, Robert J 558
Fletcher, Thomas C 577 Shea, Jeremiah 566
Ford, James C 557 Smith, Charles 563
Fraser, Edmund A 589 Smith, George W 583
Gellerman, Frederick 622 Snively, John M 616
Glover, G. B. 573 Spann, Solomon L 606
Goodrich, Lafayette W 613 Sproul, Andreas L 568
Goodyear, Thomas J 602 Stacey, Frederick W 598
Gray, Garrison J 568 Stark, Frank D 595
Greer, R. D. 561 Stevens, John F 624
Hart, Richard H 557 Tague, Joseph H 592
Hatfield, James T 579 Tietsort, Henry P 579
Hickey, George A 578 Turner, Archibald W 555
Hoffman, John 606 Twycross, Ebenezer A 578
Hope, Isaiah W 570 Van Gilse, Robert 588
Hope, Milton G 569 Van Limburgh, William J. Jr. 580
Howard, Baltimore 617 Walter, James A 587
Hunter, Jason S 608 Ward, George E 573
Isaac, William H 607 Ward, Herbert J 565
Jones, Charles M 566 Ward, John A 621
Kelley, Joseph C 593 Weaver, James 623
Kelley, Melville D 627 Weaver, James M 601
Kennedy, James R 623 Worsham, Robert W 574
Kime, Frank A 602 Zutz, Henry L 597
King, Almer G 575    
King, Gilbert L 590    
King, William R 576    
Lackey, James A 629    
Lamberson, Joseph G 604    
Lawrence, James E 601    
Locey, Cyrus T 596    

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