St Francis Academy, Baker City, Oregon

St Francis Academy 1904-1970 

Sister Stanislaus was credited with being instrumental in the establishment of the school.  Notre Dame had served girls; St. Joseph had served boys.  St. Francis served girls of all ages and boys to age 12.

After long and honorable service to the community, the Academy was discontinued in 1970. Changing times, increasing demands on schools, cost, availability of instructors, all figured in its demise. Additional St. Francis information

St. Francis Academy Class List (1888 - 1970)

1955 Class Picture

Front Row: Sandra Colton, Madonna Winkles, Nadine Andrews, Bob Peterson, ??, Shirley Williamson, Pamela Yount
Back Row: Jim French, Josephine Pifer, Sylvia Blair, Tom Mack, Pat Rouse, Gail Cherry, Gary DeRoest, John Lindley


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