Huntington, Baker County, Oregon


Oregon Commercial Company

     The foundation of this firm was laid in 1884, by R. M. Steel, D. P. Thompson and others, who were the contractors that constructed the O. R. & N. R. It to this point.
     It was known as the Oregon Construction Company, and ran along in that manner until January, 1894 when R. M. Steel, G. A. Steel and J. H. Aitkin became the incorporators and directors of the present institution. They carry a general line of merchandise, including farm machinery, vehicles, miner's supplies, lumber and building material of all descriptions. A representative of the "Democrat" was shown through their main store and found it equal to the department stores of a large eastern city, both in the amount of stock carried and the manner of displaying it. Every line is apparently a store by itself, each in charge of a responsible head, securing the same attention to each department as if it were a distinct store under different ownership,
with this difference in favor of the O. C. Co., their clientage of customers is large and expense of doing business less. They do business strictly upon eastern principles, believing in a large volume and small profits, and with this idea have been alive to the proposition of selling goods at figures that would enable them to handle more merchandise until today they are recognized as being the heaviest buyers in Oregon outside of Portland. In 1897 they handled over two hand red cars of general merchandise, and are the only firm to ship a solid train load of groceries to any point of the northwest, as the shippers have found out on investigation. We present a cut of it, consisting as it did of fourteen cars of groceries and two of hardware. They also do an extensive forwarding business for interior points in Harney, Malheur, Baker and Union Counties, occupying a fireproof warehouse on the track, with a floor space of 8,000 square feet.
     Mr. J. H. Aitkin, the president and manager of the O. C. Co., is the personification of energy, of promptness and of versatility. He has a genius for management, understands the markets, and is so in touch with the people that he anticipates their wants and supplies them with an instinct that never errs.
     Mr. G. A. Steel, the vice president, is an honored resident of the State of Michigan, and is at present the State Treasurer of that great commonwealth.
     Mr. A. W. Sunnerland, the secretary, is a young man with fine business ability, and has been connected with the company for the past eight years.

H. A. Duffy

     The present drug establishment of H. A. Duffy, at Huntington, was originally started in 1884 by Duffy Bros., but in 1888,  J. M. Duffy took control of it, and continued in charge until his death in 1896, since that time his son H. A. Duffy has had the management of it, he having been associated with his father for some time previous to his death. They carry a very full and complete line of drugs, chemicals, sundries, stationery, etc., etc., and their building, a commodious brick 30x90, gives them an opportunity to show their stock to advantage. Mr. Duffy is a registered pharmacist, and is doing business on the same lines as his father did, aiming to carry the best goods and selling them at popular prices, with "accuracy" as his keynote.

P. Johnson

     P. Johnson, the genial proprietor of the "Brunswick," is a native of Sweden. He came to the United States In 1878 and resided in Pennsylvania for about four years. In 1882 he moved to The Dalles and entered the employ of the O. R. & N. Co., as car inspector. Later he was transferred to LaGrande and again to Huntington, remaining in the employ of the company until 1893. He then bought out the resort owned by W. M. McClure, and by his personal popularity soon took the lead. In 1890 the building he was in was destroyed by fire, but at once buying his present location he erected a handsome brick 30x70. He carries a complete line of high grade wines, liquors and cigars, making a specialty of the "Magnolia" whiskies, both in case and bulk. He also has both billiard and pool tables and endeavors to treat all his patrons with that gentlemanly courtesy that has won for him a host of friends.

Eastern Oregon Gold Fields


Oregon Genealogy

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