Court House Fountain, Baker City, Baker County, Oregon

Court House Fountain

Many thanks to Gary Jaensch for taking these pictures and getting the
information on the Court House Fountain

Contributed by Betty Sims

This is what the Fountain looked like in the 1940's

Contributed by Gary

Contributed by Gary
Boy With Boot

The Statue of "The Boy with the Leaking Boot", currently displayed in the Courthouse lobby, stood for approximately 66 years in the east courtyard. It was the centerpiece of a fountain with four lion heads spouting water toward the center, with water cascading from the leaking boot.

Several stories regarding the statue's origin have been published, the favorite one being that the little boy was a Civil War drummer who carried water in his boot to the wounded soldiers. The statue is thought to have been purchased through fund-raising efforts at local grade schools, inspired by Judge Olmstead. There are reportedly 32 statues of the boy throughout the world. Like many of those, our statue has been vandalized and repaired many times. In 1975, the statue was brought inside and enclosed in a protective glass case.

Source: The History of Baker County Oregon.
Published by the Baker County Historical Society

Copyright 1986 by the Baker County Historical Society (Used with permission)

Contributed by: Gary Jaensch

Contributed by Gary

Fountain Base


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