High Octane, High Prices
By Phylis Badgley
Oh for the days when $3.10 would fill the gas tank,
compared to #3.10 for One gallon today!
Remember pulling to the gasoline pump and smiling at the attendant
when saying "Fill er up!" We even managed a smile when the price
approached a dollar a gallon, but today not many smiles are seen at
the pump. Apparently high octane, means high prices. Burning
gasoline burns the wallet as well.
A step back in time brings to mind gasoline pumps with a visible
glass top cylinder. A metal band inside the cylinder indicted how
many gallons were pumped. After the drawdown, the attendant pumped a
side handle to refill the glass cylinder.
What, no digital?
Earlier era stations highlighted "service" as a magnet to lure
business. Window washing, with chamois cloth, filling radiator,
checking oil, and air pressure in tires was routine with purchase of
Do you remember stacked oil cans in pyramid style that drew
attention of motorists? Always good idea to carry extra oil for
emergency. Fan belts, too, hung in the station window, to remind
drivers to "carry a spare."
A large percentage of gasoline sales were cash transactions before
widespread use of credit cards came into vogue. Buy now, pay later.
During WWII when gasoline was rationed, carpools were established. 5
gallons were allotted for one ration ticket. The severity of short
supply made conservation a must. Any long journeys were executed
only by "pooling" ration tickets. Added mileage meant you rode on
trust, as tires (also rationed) wore thin. To emphasize gasoline
shortage, slogans were posted freely that admonished drivers "Is
this trip really necessary?"
1952 – An Electrifying Year
Perhaps it’s ambiguous to suggest that Pat Boone’s
hit song, “ You Light Up my Life” could become the theme for a small
hamlet in N.E. Oregon.
Electricity “lighted up the life” of residents in HOME, OR, for the
first time in 1952. This sparsely settled area is located downstream
on Snake River, 20 miles from the nearest town of Huntington, Or.
When the network of poles, wires, and insulators brought the initial
supply of power, it also brought jubilation! The main topic was
considered light (pun) conversation. Residents were elated with the
magic that leaped from flipping for a light switch.
Prior to the coming of electricity, families in that isolated
district were quite familiar with lanterns and kerosene lamps.
Adjusting a wick nestled in kerosene or cleaning a coated lamp
chimney were considered routine duties. After evening chores were
completed, many a card game was played by lamplight. With the advent
of electricity, the games continued, but some people indicated a
noticeable glare reflected from the cards.
Donna Terrell, a resident during the transition from kerosene to
electricity, told me of her reaction to the sudden flow of electric
power to the promises. My question was “What was most important
appliance you gained from having electric access?” Without
hesitation, Donna replied,” The refrigerator and freezer.” She also
recalled formerly preparing baby formula by lamplight for her
toddler son. Electricity certainly aided this task as well as
sterilizing baby bottles. Terrell told of small appliances added for
kitchen convenience, but reiterated emphatically the acquisition of
the “fridge” and freezer as top priority for her.
Was that an echo I heard, or did someone say, “Toss out the lamp
wicks, and grab the light globes.”
Snake River Canyon residents have enjoyed 50 years of electric power
created by Brownlee, Oxbow, and Hell’s Canyon Dam in N.E. Oregon.
These facilities “light up the lives” for large cities as well.