Wingville School 1908, Baker County, Oregon

Ticknor, Hunt, Payton Photo

The Student body of the Wingville School in 1908.

Front Row, left to right: Clifford Perkins, Norman Haskell, Floyd Rohner
Second Row: Gertrude Osborn, Walter Haskell, Walter Rohner, Nelson Speelman, Buford Kinnison
Third Row: Archie Rohner, Dale Cartmill, Willie Osborne, Charles Rhoner, Wesley Payton, Frank Haskell
Back Row: Carl Spellman, Nora Haskell, Lester Cartmill, Alex Bates, Blanche Cartmill, Pearl Rohner and the teacher Miss Elizabeth Claney.

Doris Hunt of Baker City submitted this photograph, which includes her father, Charles Rohner at age 11.  This is the same schoolhouse that Doris and her siblings attended and she remembers a big wood stove in the center of the one-room school that was fueled by wood, chopped by the students.  Her teacher, Suzanne McCulley would sometimes bring the makings for stew and let it simmer on the stove all morning.  "Boy were we hungry by the time lunchtime came," she said. Doris attended Wingville School for grades 1 through 8 before transferring to Baker High School.  She graduated from BHS in 1938.

Wingville Methodist Church, 1910

Payton Colton Family Photo

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