Caleb to Crystal Lake Masonic Cemetery, Oregon

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National Cemetery Database  Cemetery Transcription Database


Cemetery County Location
 Caleb Cemetery Wheeler Frog Hollow
 Calvary Cemetery Klamath Altamont
 Calvary Cemetery Union La Grande
 Camp Creek Cemetery Lane Walterville
 Campbell Street Chinese Cemetery (historical) Baker Baker City
 Campbell-Grier Cemetery Marion Stayton
 Canema Cemetery Clackamas Canby
 Canyon City Cemetery Grant John Day
 Canyonville Cemetery Douglas Canyonville
 Carson Cemetery Lincoln Yachats
 Carus Cemetery Clackamas Oregon City
 Cascade Locks Cemetery Hood River Bonneville Dam
 Catching Creek Cemetery Coos Myrtle Point
 Catholic Cemetery Wasco Postage Stamp Butte
 Celilo Indian Cemetery Wasco Wishram
 Celilo Indian Cemetery Wasco Wishram
 Cemetery Hill Cemetery Polk Monmouth
 Central Cemetery Linn Crabtree
 Central Point IOOF Cemetery Jackson Sams Valley
 Central School Association Cemetery Lane Veneta
 Champaigne Family Cemetery Douglas Garden Valley
 Champoeg Cemetery Marion Saint Paul
 Chemawa Cemetery Marion Salem East
 Cherry Grove Cemetery Washington Gaston
 Chickahominy Cemetery Lane Walton
 Chief Schonchin Cemetery Klamath Beatty
 Chitwood Cemetery Lincoln Eddyville
 City View Cemetery Marion Salem West
 Civil Bend Cemetery Douglas Winston
 Clackamas Cemetery Clackamas Gladstone
 Claggett Cemetery Marion Mission Bottom
 Claremont Cemetery Polk Summit
 Clarkes Cemetery Clackamas Colton
 Clarksville Cemetery (historical) Baker Bridgeport
 Clarno Cemetery Wasco Clarno
 Clatsop Plains Cemetery Clatsop Gearhart
 Clay Hill Cemetery Curry Marial
 Claypool Cemetery Linn Brownsville
 Clem Cemetery Gilliam Mikkalo
 Cleveland Cemetery Douglas Garden Valley
 Cloverdale Cemetery Lane Jasper
 Coburg IOOF Cemetery Lane Eugene East
 Coffee Creek Cemetery Douglas Tiller
 Coles Valley Cemetery Douglas Garden Valley
 Colton Lutheran Cemetery Clackamas Colton
 Columbia Masonic Cemetery Multnomah Mount Tabor
 Columbia Memorial Gardens Cemetery Columbia Saint Helens
 Columbia Pioneer Cemetery Multnomah Portland
 Colvin Cemetery Douglas Drain
 Comstock Cemetery Douglas Curtin
 Cooper Mountain Cemetery Washington Beaverton
 Cooper Mountain Evangelical Cemetery Washington Scholls
 Copperfield-Homestead Cemetery Baker Homestead
 Cornelius Lutheran Cemetery Washington Forest Grove
 Cove Cemetery Union Cove
 Cox Cemetery Douglas Winston
 Cox Cemetery Marion Sidney
 Craig Grave Lane North Sister
 Crawfordsville Union Cemetery Linn Crawfordsville
 Crescent Grove Cemetery Washington Beaverton
 Creswell Association Cemetery Lane Creswell
 Criterion Cemetery Wasco Criterion
 Crow Family Cemetery Lane Lorane
 Crystal Lake Masonic Cemetery Benton Corvallis

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