Eagle Valley to Evergreen Memorial Cemetery, Oregon
A list of all cemeteries in Oregon, first by name, county and location. A great tool to help with cemeteries that have the same name within the state. Clicking on the cemetery name will provide you with a map to the location.
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National Cemetery Database Cemetery Transcription Database
Cemetery | County | Location |
Eagle Valley Cemetery | Baker | Richland |
Echo Cemetery | Umatilla | Echo |
Eddy Cemetery | Lincoln | Eddyville |
Eddyville Cemetery | Lincoln | Eddyville |
Eden Cemetery | Douglas | Garden Valley |
Eden Cemetery | Wallowa | Eden Ridge |
Eightmile Cemetery | Gilliam | Hickland Butte |
Eightmile Cemetery | Wasco | Petersburg |
Elgin Cemetery | Union | Elgin |
Elk City Cemetery | Lincoln | Eddyville |
Elkton Cemetery | Douglas | Elkton |
Elwood Cemetery | Clackamas | Elwood |
Emanuel Cemetery | Washington | Forest Grove |
Embree Cemetery | Polk | Dallas |
Emerich Cemetery | Benton | Flat Mountain |
Empire Cemetery | Coos | Empire |
Enchanted Prairie Cemetery | Coos | Remote |
Ensley Cemetery | Douglas | Putnam Valley |
Enterprise Cemetery | Wallowa | Enterprise |
Eoff Cemetery | Marion | Salem East |
Escobar Cemetery | Multnomah | Damascus |
Essen Family Cemetery | Marion | Silverton |
Eternal Hills Cemetery | Klamath | Altamont |
Etna Cemetery | Polk | Rickreall |
Eugene AF and AM Lodge Number 11 Masonic Cemetery | Lane | Eugene East |
Eureka Cemetery | Lincoln | Newport North |
Evergreen Cemetery | Malheur | Payette |
Evergreen Cemetery | Clatsop | Tillamook Head |
Evergreen Memorial Park | Yamhill | McMinnville |