Fair Oaks to Friendship Cemetery, Oregon

A list of all cemeteries in Oregon, first by name, county and location. A great tool to help with cemeteries that have the same name within the state. Clicking on the cemetery name will provide you with a map to the location.

For additional Oregon Cemetery Listings please visit
AccessGenealogy AHGP  ALHN  USGenWeb  USGenWeb Archives
National Cemetery Database  Cemetery Transcription Database


Cemetery County Location
 Fair Oaks Cemetery Douglas Nonpareil
 Fairfield Cemetery Marion Saint Paul
 Fairview Cemetery Tillamook Tillamook
 Fairview Cemetery Malheur Weiser South
 Fairview Cemetery Linn Mill City South
 Fairview Cemetery Linn Tangent
 Fairview Cemetery Coos McKinley
 Fairview Cemetery Columbia Dixie Mountain
 Fall Creek Christian Church Cemetery Lane Lowell
 Falls City Cemetery Polk Falls City
 Falls City Odd Fellows Cemetery Polk Falls City
 Fast Cemetery Polk Dallas
 Fellows Cemetery Clackamas Redland
 Ferguson Cemetery Lane Monroe
 Fern Hill Cemetery Washington Laurelwood
 Fern Ridge Cemetery Lincoln Waldport
 Fernwood Pioneer Cemetery Yamhill Newberg
 Ferrydale Cemetery Josephine Wilderville
 Fetter Cemetery Coos Remote
 Finland Cemetery Umatilla Helix
 Fir Grove Cemetery Lane Cottage Grove
 Fir Grove Cemetery Lane Fivemile Creek
 Fir Hill Cemetery Clackamas Sandy
 Fir Lawn Cemetery Washington Forest Grove
 Fircrest Cemetery Polk Monmouth
 Fishhawk Cemetery Columbia Marshland
 Fishtrap Cemetery Coos Myrtle Point
 Fletcher Cemetery Grant Mount Vernon
 Flett Cemetery Gilliam Wolf Hollow Falls
 Foots Cemetery Jackson Rogue River
 Ford Cemetery Umatilla Milton-Freewater
 Forest Hill Cemetery Clatsop Cathlamet Bay
 Forest Lawn Memorial Park Multnomah Damascus
 Forest View Cemetery Washington Gales Creek
 Forester Cemetery Clackamas Estacada
 Forestvale Cemetery Lane Westfir East
 Fort Klamath Cemetery Klamath Fort Klamath
 Fort Rock Cemetery Lake Fort Rock
 Fossil IOOF Cemetery Wheeler Fossil South
 Foster Cemetery Umatilla Stanfield
 Fox Bridge Cemetery Coos McKinley
 Fox Hill Cemetery Curry Ophir
 Fox Valley Cemetery Marion Lyons
 Fox Valley Cemetery Grant Fox
 Franklin Butte Cemetery Linn Scio
 Franklin Grange Cemetery Lane Cheshire
 Frankton Cemetery Hood River Hood River
 Friend Cemetery Wasco Friend
 Friendship Cemetery Klamath Chiloquin

Cemeteries of Oregon

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