Fair Oaks to Friendship Cemetery, Oregon
A list of all cemeteries in Oregon, first by name, county and location. A great tool to help with cemeteries that have the same name within the state. Clicking on the cemetery name will provide you with a map to the location.
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National Cemetery Database Cemetery Transcription Database
Cemetery | County | Location |
Fair Oaks Cemetery | Douglas | Nonpareil |
Fairfield Cemetery | Marion | Saint Paul |
Fairview Cemetery | Tillamook | Tillamook |
Fairview Cemetery | Malheur | Weiser South |
Fairview Cemetery | Linn | Mill City South |
Fairview Cemetery | Linn | Tangent |
Fairview Cemetery | Coos | McKinley |
Fairview Cemetery | Columbia | Dixie Mountain |
Fall Creek Christian Church Cemetery | Lane | Lowell |
Falls City Cemetery | Polk | Falls City |
Falls City Odd Fellows Cemetery | Polk | Falls City |
Fast Cemetery | Polk | Dallas |
Fellows Cemetery | Clackamas | Redland |
Ferguson Cemetery | Lane | Monroe |
Fern Hill Cemetery | Washington | Laurelwood |
Fern Ridge Cemetery | Lincoln | Waldport |
Fernwood Pioneer Cemetery | Yamhill | Newberg |
Ferrydale Cemetery | Josephine | Wilderville |
Fetter Cemetery | Coos | Remote |
Finland Cemetery | Umatilla | Helix |
Fir Grove Cemetery | Lane | Cottage Grove |
Fir Grove Cemetery | Lane | Fivemile Creek |
Fir Hill Cemetery | Clackamas | Sandy |
Fir Lawn Cemetery | Washington | Forest Grove |
Fircrest Cemetery | Polk | Monmouth |
Fishhawk Cemetery | Columbia | Marshland |
Fishtrap Cemetery | Coos | Myrtle Point |
Fletcher Cemetery | Grant | Mount Vernon |
Flett Cemetery | Gilliam | Wolf Hollow Falls |
Foots Cemetery | Jackson | Rogue River |
Ford Cemetery | Umatilla | Milton-Freewater |
Forest Hill Cemetery | Clatsop | Cathlamet Bay |
Forest Lawn Memorial Park | Multnomah | Damascus |
Forest View Cemetery | Washington | Gales Creek |
Forester Cemetery | Clackamas | Estacada |
Forestvale Cemetery | Lane | Westfir East |
Fort Klamath Cemetery | Klamath | Fort Klamath |
Fort Rock Cemetery | Lake | Fort Rock |
Fossil IOOF Cemetery | Wheeler | Fossil South |
Foster Cemetery | Umatilla | Stanfield |
Fox Bridge Cemetery | Coos | McKinley |
Fox Hill Cemetery | Curry | Ophir |
Fox Valley Cemetery | Marion | Lyons |
Fox Valley Cemetery | Grant | Fox |
Franklin Butte Cemetery | Linn | Scio |
Franklin Grange Cemetery | Lane | Cheshire |
Frankton Cemetery | Hood River | Hood River |
Friend Cemetery | Wasco | Friend |
Friendship Cemetery | Klamath | Chiloquin |