Haines to Hyatt Cemetery, Oregon

A list of all cemeteries in Oregon, first by name, county and location. A great tool to help with cemeteries that have the same name within the state. Clicking on the cemetery name will provide you with a map to the location.

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National Cemetery Database  Cemetery Transcription Database


Cemetery County Location
 Haines Cemetery Baker Haines
 Haines Cemetery Curry Barklow Mountain
 Hale Cemetery Jefferson Culver
 Halls Ferry Cemetery Marion Monmouth
 Halsey Pioneer Cemetery Linn Harrisburg
 Hamilton Cemetery Grant Hamilton
 Hankins Cemetery Grant Silvies
 Happy Valley Cemetery Yamhill Muddy Valley
 Hardman Cemetery Morrow Hardman
 Hardman IOOF Cemetery Morrow Hardman
 Hargadine Cemetery Jackson Ashland
 Haring Cemetery Lane Mercer Lake
 Harlan Cemetery Lincoln Harlan
 Harney Cemetery Harney Harney
 Harper Cemetery Malheur Little Valley
 Harper Cemetery Deschutes Anns Butte
 Harris Cemetery Linn Indian Head
 Harris Family Cemetery Douglas Scotts Valley
 Harrison Cemetery Washington Forest Grove
 Hart Riggs Cemetery Polk Airlie North
 Hartley Cemetery Josephine Williams
 Harvey Cemetery Douglas Nonpareil
 Hawley Cemetery Lane Cottage Grove
 Hawthorne Memorial Gardens Cemetery Josephine Grants Pass
 Hay Creek Cemetery Jefferson Teller Butte
 Hayes Cemetery Coos China Flat
 Hayesville Cemetery Marion Salem East
 Haynes Cemetery Coos Coos Bay
 Haynesville Cemetery Klamath Goodlow Mountain
 Hays Cemetery Jackson Gold Hill
 Hays-Gall Cemetery Jackson Gold Hill
 Haystack Cemetery Wheeler Whitetail Butte
 Hayward Cemetery Washington Buxton
 Heatherly Cemetery Lane Crow
 Heceta Lodge Number 11 IOOF Cemetery Lane Florence
 Helix Cemetery Umatilla Helix
 Helvetia Cemetery Washington Hillsboro
 Henderer Cemetery Douglas Elkton
 Henderson Pioneer Cemetery Wasco Dufur West
 Hermann Cemetery Coos Myrtle Point
 Hermiston Cemetery Umatilla Hermiston
 Herron Cemetery Marion Turner
 Hibbert Cemetery Klamath Whiteline Reservoir
 Highland Cemetery Union Cricket Flat
 Highland Cemetery Yamhill Stony Mountain
 Highview Cemetery Morrow Ione North
 Hilgard Cemetery Union Hilgard
 Hill Cemetery Jackson Emigrant Lake
 Hill Cemetery Washington Laurelwood
 Hillcrest Cemetery Union La Grande
 Hillcrest Cemetery Yamhill Newberg
 Hillcrest Memorial Cemetery Jackson Medford East
 Hillcrest Memorial Park Cemetery Josephine Grants Pass
 Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery Washington Forest Grove
 Hillside Cemetery Washington Gales Creek
 Hobson-Whitney Cemetery Marion Stayton
 Holdman Cemetery Umatilla Holdman
 Holmes Cemetery Yamhill Grand Ronde
 Holy Rosary Cemetery Marion Elk Prairie
 Homeli Cemetery Umatilla Cayuse
 Homestead Cemetery Baker Homestead
 Hopewell Cemetery Marion Woodburn
 Hopewell Cemetery Yamhill Mission Bottom
 Hot Springs Cemetery Wasco Eagle Butte
 Houston Cemetery Linn Albany
 Howard Cemetery Crook Gerow Butte
 Howell Cemetery Marion Salem East
 Hubbard Cemetery Marion Woodburn
 Hubbard Cemetery Polk Falls City
 Huckleberry Knoll Cemetery Curry Barklow Mountain
 Hudson Cemetery Columbia Rainier
 Hughes Family Cemetery Curry Cape Blanco
 Hultin Cemetery Coos Riverton
 Humphrey Cemetery Linn Jordan
 Huntington Independent Order of Odd Fellows Cemetery Baker Huntington
 Huntington Old Cemetery Baker Huntington
 Hurst Family Cemetery Douglas Tyee Mountain
 Hussey Cemetery Polk Grand Ronde
 Hussey Cemetery Yamhill Stony Mountain
 Hyatt Cemetery Umatilla Weston Mountain

Cemeteries of Oregon

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