Haines to Hyatt Cemetery, Oregon
A list of all cemeteries in Oregon, first by name, county and location. A great tool to help with cemeteries that have the same name within the state. Clicking on the cemetery name will provide you with a map to the location.
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National Cemetery Database Cemetery Transcription Database
Cemetery | County | Location |
Haines Cemetery | Baker | Haines |
Haines Cemetery | Curry | Barklow Mountain |
Hale Cemetery | Jefferson | Culver |
Halls Ferry Cemetery | Marion | Monmouth |
Halsey Pioneer Cemetery | Linn | Harrisburg |
Hamilton Cemetery | Grant | Hamilton |
Hankins Cemetery | Grant | Silvies |
Happy Valley Cemetery | Yamhill | Muddy Valley |
Hardman Cemetery | Morrow | Hardman |
Hardman IOOF Cemetery | Morrow | Hardman |
Hargadine Cemetery | Jackson | Ashland |
Haring Cemetery | Lane | Mercer Lake |
Harlan Cemetery | Lincoln | Harlan |
Harney Cemetery | Harney | Harney |
Harper Cemetery | Malheur | Little Valley |
Harper Cemetery | Deschutes | Anns Butte |
Harris Cemetery | Linn | Indian Head |
Harris Family Cemetery | Douglas | Scotts Valley |
Harrison Cemetery | Washington | Forest Grove |
Hart Riggs Cemetery | Polk | Airlie North |
Hartley Cemetery | Josephine | Williams |
Harvey Cemetery | Douglas | Nonpareil |
Hawley Cemetery | Lane | Cottage Grove |
Hawthorne Memorial Gardens Cemetery | Josephine | Grants Pass |
Hay Creek Cemetery | Jefferson | Teller Butte |
Hayes Cemetery | Coos | China Flat |
Hayesville Cemetery | Marion | Salem East |
Haynes Cemetery | Coos | Coos Bay |
Haynesville Cemetery | Klamath | Goodlow Mountain |
Hays Cemetery | Jackson | Gold Hill |
Hays-Gall Cemetery | Jackson | Gold Hill |
Haystack Cemetery | Wheeler | Whitetail Butte |
Hayward Cemetery | Washington | Buxton |
Heatherly Cemetery | Lane | Crow |
Heceta Lodge Number 11 IOOF Cemetery | Lane | Florence |
Helix Cemetery | Umatilla | Helix |
Helvetia Cemetery | Washington | Hillsboro |
Henderer Cemetery | Douglas | Elkton |
Henderson Pioneer Cemetery | Wasco | Dufur West |
Hermann Cemetery | Coos | Myrtle Point |
Hermiston Cemetery | Umatilla | Hermiston |
Herron Cemetery | Marion | Turner |
Hibbert Cemetery | Klamath | Whiteline Reservoir |
Highland Cemetery | Union | Cricket Flat |
Highland Cemetery | Yamhill | Stony Mountain |
Highview Cemetery | Morrow | Ione North |
Hilgard Cemetery | Union | Hilgard |
Hill Cemetery | Jackson | Emigrant Lake |
Hill Cemetery | Washington | Laurelwood |
Hillcrest Cemetery | Union | La Grande |
Hillcrest Cemetery | Yamhill | Newberg |
Hillcrest Memorial Cemetery | Jackson | Medford East |
Hillcrest Memorial Park Cemetery | Josephine | Grants Pass |
Hillsboro Pioneer Cemetery | Washington | Forest Grove |
Hillside Cemetery | Washington | Gales Creek |
Hobson-Whitney Cemetery | Marion | Stayton |
Holdman Cemetery | Umatilla | Holdman |
Holmes Cemetery | Yamhill | Grand Ronde |
Holy Rosary Cemetery | Marion | Elk Prairie |
Homeli Cemetery | Umatilla | Cayuse |
Homestead Cemetery | Baker | Homestead |
Hopewell Cemetery | Marion | Woodburn |
Hopewell Cemetery | Yamhill | Mission Bottom |
Hot Springs Cemetery | Wasco | Eagle Butte |
Houston Cemetery | Linn | Albany |
Howard Cemetery | Crook | Gerow Butte |
Howell Cemetery | Marion | Salem East |
Hubbard Cemetery | Marion | Woodburn |
Hubbard Cemetery | Polk | Falls City |
Huckleberry Knoll Cemetery | Curry | Barklow Mountain |
Hudson Cemetery | Columbia | Rainier |
Hughes Family Cemetery | Curry | Cape Blanco |
Hultin Cemetery | Coos | Riverton |
Humphrey Cemetery | Linn | Jordan |
Huntington Independent Order of Odd Fellows Cemetery | Baker | Huntington |
Huntington Old Cemetery | Baker | Huntington |
Hurst Family Cemetery | Douglas | Tyee Mountain |
Hussey Cemetery | Polk | Grand Ronde |
Hussey Cemetery | Yamhill | Stony Mountain |
Hyatt Cemetery | Umatilla | Weston Mountain |