Taft to Tygh Valley Cemetery, Oregon
A list of all cemeteries in Oregon, first by name, county and location. A great tool to help with cemeteries that have the same name within the state. Clicking on the cemetery name will provide you with a map to the location.
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National Cemetery Database Cemetery Transcription Database
Cemetery | County | Location |
Taft Cemetery | Lincoln | Lincoln City |
Taylor Cemetery | Polk | Kings Valley |
Taylor Cemetery | Yamhill | McMinnville |
Taylor-Lane Cemetery | Lane | Cottage Grove Lake |
Templeton Cemetery | Coos | Trail Butte |
Tenino Cemetery | Jefferson | Warm Springs |
Tenmile Cemetery | Douglas | Tenmile |
Terrebonne Cemetery | Deschutes | Postage Stamp Butte |
Thrush Cemetery | Douglas | Camas Valley |
Tichenor Cemetery | Curry | Port Orford OE W |
Tidewater Cemetery | Lincoln | Tidewater |
Tigard Evangelical Cemetery | Washington | Beaverton |
Tillamook IOOF Cemetery | Tillamook | Tillamook |
Tillotson Cemetery | Wasco | Clarno |
Timber-Linn Memorial Park | Linn | Albany |
Tokay Heights Cemetery | Josephine | Grants Pass |
Toledo Cemetery | Lincoln | Toledo North |
Tommy Dean Cemetery | Gilliam | Hickland Butte |
Trinity Lutheran Cemetery | Marion | Silverton |
Trout Cemetery | Tillamook | Tillamook |
Tualatin Plains Cemetery | Washington | Hillsboro |
Tumalo Cemetery | Deschutes | Tumalo |
Tutuilla Presbyterian Indian Mission Cemetery | Umatilla | Mission |
Twin Oaks Cemetery | Marion | Turner |
Twin Oaks Memorial Gardens | Linn | Riverside |
Tyee View Cemetery | Douglas | Tyee Mountain |
Tygh Valley Cemetery | Wasco | Postage Stamp Butte |