A-B Draft Registration, Malheur County, Oregon

The Complete War Registration List of Malheur County by Precincts as Recorded in the Malheur Enterprise
~ Saturday, June 16, 1917 ~

Arcadia Precinct

Bingman, Harry Pearl
Brown, Wm. Emil
Cable, Clyde Rinker
Cancelmo, John James
Capps, George Leander
Danielson, Wendell Emanuel
Davis, Ernest
Dooms, George Allen
Duncan, Roe Felton
Duyn, William
Edmundson, Arthur Ludlow
Fitz, Virgil Arba
Gibson, Albert Porter
Bibson, Clair John (Gibson?)
Goodrich, George Lloyd
Gossett, Chas. Clinton
Griffin, Paul John
Hawkins, David Eli
Lackey, Chester Theodore
Lockwood, George Wesley
Long, Clyde William
McDonald, Andrew Edgar
Megorden, Robert Smith
Morris, Henry Lee
Neil, Augustus Bongsnon
Ogle, Otis Howard
Paulson, John
Payne, Bryan Watson
Pitser, Francis Jackson
Raat, Henry
Rhodes, Otto Victor Lyman
Roberts, Chas Arthur
Smith, Benjamin Franklin
Smith, Dwight Leroy
Smith, Garrett Jacob
Sobrero, Frank
Stubbs, Francis Marion
Teutsch, Henry Allen
Thomas, Albert
Vantassel, Granville Alonzo
Vantassel, Lemuel Farris
Viles, Cecil Oen
Ward, Audrey J
Ward, Frank
Warren, Marvin Haley

Basin Precinct

Barron, Wm. C
Blankinship, Elmer
Blum, Lynne V
Bollar, D George
Centers, Ira A
Chadwell, Rolly
Connet, Carle
Darabos, John
DeLashmutt, Thos. L
Derrick, Merle I
Drew, Clifford
Drew, Guy L
Edmiston, Chester
Egyed, Andy
Fuzi, Michael
Gerlough, Jean P
Gooch, Jerry S
Gorman, Edward
Gorman, Ralph L
Graves, Harold R
Hancock, James A
Harris, Floyd William
Harris, John H
Hewett, Carl
Holman, John A
Holman, Laurence Albert
Kolar, Frank
Maule, Azariah L
Myers Marion Bird
Myers, George James
Myers, John T
Myers, W. B.
Powell, Fred B
Proffitt, David W
Ramos, Augustin
Romero, Antone
Romero, Jose
Schubert, David
Sheppard, Don G
Stacey, Clarence W
Takacs, John
Taylor, Hugh
Wilson, William H

Beulah Precinct

Abarrategui, Anastasio
Amaillabieta, Pablo
Anduiza, Eusebio
Bungardner, Mahlon
Coscorrosa, Juan
Doiggars, W. F.
Fraser, Duncan
Garate, Juan
Garmendia, Gredso
Gaudarias, Gavino
Houston, Oscar
Hunter, Elmer N
Hunter, Ralph G
Mackenzie, John Robert
Mann, Lum Fong
McCumber, John Willard
Mugartegui, Jose
Murphy, Wm. A
Murray, Alex
Needham, Mikeal
Pogue, John J
Riach, Alexander
Riach, William
Sippy, Jeff Davis
Stallard, Chester Hartford
Tate, Frank Lawrence
Tierney, Hugh

Big Bend Precinct

Allen, Clinton G
Bullock, John Claud
Cartwright, Ray
Godwin, Wm. Thos.
Graff, Geo. Weston
Harris, Felix Ray
Holbrook, Harold Richardson
Hudson, Geo. Ervin
Johnston, John Del
Judd, Geo. Gofdon
Klahr, Geo. Erin
Loveland, Clarence Clifton
Matthews, Eldredge Wilson
Millsap, Paul Wesley
Murray, Clarence Douglas
Oneal, Homer
Robertson, Ralph
Ross, Wm.
Sweet, Homer Randall
Taylor, Wm. James

Bonita Precinct

Aaron, Robert James
Anderson, Oliver Frank
Bowman, Edward David
Carver, John
Chastain, Joel Orange
Chastain, John Aaron
Donnelly, William Francis
Fackrell, James Sumler
Fackrell, Lyman Mosia
Goodwin, Thomas Hugh
Harvey, Ralph
Howard, Walter William
Kipp, Frank E
Lenter, Clarence
Lenter, Fred Jr
Longmire, Elcaine
Moudy, Elmer Guy
Moudy, Irwen S
Munsterman, Carl Henry
Parrott, Charles William
Reed, Frederick Frank
Ruth, Gerhardt Benjamin Jr
Rutledge, Adrian Shaffer
Rutledge, Benjamin Carl
Sandy, Marion Oliver
Satter, Christopher
Seitz, Francis Anthony
Spaulding, Warren Blaine
Springer, Arthur Orin
Wagner, Mortimer William
White, Albert Wiley
White, Andrew Jackson
Wilson, James M
Wilson, William Leroy
Woods, William Edgar
Zehner, Charles Oliver
Zehner, Daniel Abraham

Brogan Precinct

Antrobus, Harry Forrest
Arnold, Floyd
Buckles, Leonard Calvin
Clark, Archie Fay
Cochran, Charles Royal
Crawley, Francis Thomas
Crawley, Henry Owan
Edwards, Phil Emmett
England, George Barron
Freyborg, Henry Julius Peter
Hamstreet, Floyd H
Hamstreet, Jesse E
Hard, Roy Otto
Heartt, Edgar Robert
Heartt, Roy William
Howard, Clarence Washington
Kesterson, Verlie Siner
Mahala, Oscar Dean
Michell, Fred Gordon
Mulligan, Patrick
Mulligan, Philip
Parsons, Anson Harry
Phipps, Rush Mack
Soltesz, Joseph
Strout, Marvin Leslie
Todhunter, Manuel
Vales, Frank
Vandwer, Clarence Vernon
Weaver, Frank
Woods, Wilson Archerd
Woodward, Forest Stanley
Yeoman, Earl Clare
Yeoman, Ralph Roy

Bully Precinct

Adams, Dave
Barkley, John Wane
Becker, Charles Parker
Becker, James Tuttle
Becker, Valencourt
Buffington, Francis Leo
Cammann, Cleve
Cordes, Elmo D
Edmunson, John H
Graham, James Victor
Ledbetter, Cleave
Looney, Elmer
Muir, Harry Hugh
Payne, Harry J
Randleman, Jesse William
Reed, William Ephly
Scoggin, Shirley Sylvester
Sells, Morton Clifford
Shuler, Francis Cleveland
Simpson, Oliver D
Spaulding, Jackson
Stewart, Roy Custer
Taylor, Jessy Joseph
Wakerlig, Ernest T
Zimmerman, John Russell 


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