G-H Draft Registration, Malheur County, Oregon

The Complete War Registration List of Malheur County by Precincts as Recorded in the Malheur Enterprise ~ Saturday, June 16, 1917

Grange Precinct

Ames, Chester Ralph
Baarstad, Elmer Joseph
Boggs, Clarence E
Boston, Earle Owen
Boyd, William Earl
Cannell, Ralph Warren
Cape, William John
Chester, George Yancy Jr
Clark, Elmer Lawrence
Crandall, Clarence Elmo
Davis, Melville Evan
Davis, Thomas Edgar
Deters, Joseph Arnold
Easterday, Floyd
Foster, Henry Eugene
Goloc, Mike
Gunderson, Almer Charles
Gunderson, Theodore Nelsen
Harland, Clifford Harry
Herrett, Vernon Tytes
Hendrix, Edmund Philo
Hill, Jacob Peter Jr
Holten, Martin Cornelius
Huffman, Clinton Lewis
Johnson, Thomas Andrew
Keele, Charles Alfred
Keele, Edward Franklin
King, Benjamin Franklin
King, James Edward
Kinney, Lloyd Russell
Kinney, Loraine Joseph
Kiser, Joseph Wright
Koelsch, Charles Clay
Lambeth, Claude Samuel
McCarty, Morris
McLay, Howard Harrison
Moyer, Earl William
Muttart, Charles Rae
Muttart, George Earl
Muttart, Lorenzo Atlee
Parker, William Thomas
Peterson, Andrew
Peterson, Heber Charles
Prewett, Alfonso Luther
Ray, Otha Calvin
Reed, Carl Ulric
Richmond, Irven Washington
Richmond, James Weaver
Robbins, Elmer William
Rumpel, Joseph
Russell, Harrison Morton
Scot, Lester Frank
Scott, Clarence Irwin
Smith, Elmer Cecil
Stacey, James Clinton
Sullens, Clarence Albert
Thayer, Merton Harold
Timson, Joseph Edward
Tons, John Henry
Trenkel, Frederick William
Vines, Clarence Elmar
Vines, John Oscar
Willson, Claud Hubbard
Willson, Fredrick Bradley
Worthley, Bert Sewell

Harper Precinct

Barclay, Logan
Camp, Howard Hobson
Eberly, Paul Glenn
Erwin, Paul Fletcher
Hart, Henry Layton
Hasemann, Emil
Lee, Wayne Elmer
Mally, Kirby
Miller, Paul Conrad
Remmers, William
Schlupe, Warren Alfred
Shaw, Jess
Spaulding, Earl M
Washington, Irving

Ironside Precinct

Anthony, Charles A
Cape, James Henry
Crews, Montie G P
Davis, Archie James
Derrick, Delbert Smith
Dickson, Gordon R
Duncan, Ray R
Faust, Ray R
Griner, Clarence Brunnell
Hill, Arthur E
Hill, Charles Albert
Hill, Lafe Frank
Hinton, Walter J
Howard, Floyd Homer
Jones, John B
Jones, Mark Grant
Laurance, Walter E
Laurence, Fred B
Lawrence, Bert Wilkinson
Lawrence, Camillous P
Lawrence, John Alvey
Lofton, Earl V
May Clyde D
Pope, Ralph W
Powers, Robert Earl
Quinn, William Henry
Rose, James McD
Rose, Lewis
Rose, Sylvester
Rose, William Eddie
Smith, Summers S
Tureman, Charles L
Tureman, Garrison A
Welch, Ivon Noel
Welch, Roscoe Melvin
Wise, Coy John
Wise, Guy Charles
Wise, Ray Francis
Woodcock, William Frank


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