W Draft Registration, Malheur County, Oregon

The Complete War Registration List of Malheur County by Precincts as Recorded in the Malheur Enterprise ~ Saturday, June 16, 1917

Watson Precinct

Angell, Lloyd Steiwer
Brandon, Edward Lewis
Brandon, Henry Pete
Geise, Hans
Griffith, Jesse
McKinney, George Grant
McNulty, Charles LeRoy
Munro, Williams
Page, Ralph Lewis
Palmer, Arthur Williams
Palmer, Charles Alfred
Palmer, George Alven
Shaver, Hugh Milton
Shaver, Wilmer Howard
Syme, James Carlyle

Westfall Precinct

Baker, Hollis
Barkley, William
Blackwell, Charles C
Bonchard, Edmond Victor
Brown, Henry Benjamin
Casto, Edwin
Conroy, John
Coyne, Phillip
Edmundson, Loyd
Edwards, Joseph Almer
Elley, Walter Orie
Elliott, George T
Galarsa, Joe
Gibbons, Michael
Gregory, William
Hart, Edward
Hasson, Harvey James
Hess, Charles Lewis
Hill, Clinton Beethoven
Hucker, Albert William
Hucker, Louis Frank
Hughes, Robert Allen
Hyde, Wayne
Hylton, Lee
Irby, John Edward
Irby, William Bertman
Jackson, William Woodson
Jones, James
Jorden, Arthur Warren
Joyce, Martin
Joyce, Michael
Joyce, Patrick Francis
Kime, Albert James
Luberman, William Franklin
Lund, Hans Frederick
Maggine, Chas. George
Manning, Thomas
Mansfield, Gus
McCann, Lester
McCarty, Roscoe
McTimmonds, Charles Vern
Mendazona, Gregorio
Morgan, James
Morton, Estis L
Morton, John Alfred
Mugartiqui, Donatco
Mustard, Walter Glenn
Myers, Adam Orville
Ormaecha, Pedro
Payne, Edward
Plummer, Ernest William
Roethler, Amos Matthew
Sterling, Benjamin
Stingle, Guy Lloyd
Stough, Clayton N
Thomas, Roy
Ward, Claud Levearn
Wilson, Edgar Carl
Woodard, Otis Caleb
Zarandona, Victor
Zorrozina, Juan Bantista


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