Baker County Pioneers Surname Payton
Centennial Pioneer Families of Baker County provides the following information on Family members. Additional information on that person may be listed following their name. The additional information has been provided by various sources, so please check that is correct before adding it to your family tree.
PAYTON, WILLIAM F. - 1863 They located near Baker City. Son John Payton became Prof. John Payton after attending O.S.U. In 1880 he was elected county school superintendent for three terms. Received deed to his farm 1871 which makes it 100 year Farm in the family. Living descendants in Baker County are:
- PAYTON, PROF. JOHN (deceased) (Biography
- PAYTON, JACK (deceased)
- PAYTON, JOB (deceased)
William and Abbie Payton
Payton Colton Family Photos |
Will & Abbie Payton |
Payton Colton, Family Photos |
Willie Osborn, Wallace
Landreth, Lilly Landreth, Blake Landreth, Ira Brown,
Milt Osborn, Ella and Julia Osborn, Grace Payton, Grace
Payton, ??, Will Dean, Martin Osborn, Grandmother Brown,
Wilma Landreth, Will Payton, Mildred Payton, Wesley
Payton, Abbie Payton, John Payton, Ethel Brown, Gertrude
Osborn |
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Payton Colton Family Photo |
Florence & John Payton Home |
Howard Payton & Laddie, 1941 |
Centennial Pioneer Families of Baker County, by Ruth H. Evans