Tombstone Photos
Many of you have submitted photos for our Gallery, for that we thank all of you!! At this time we have 3 cemeteries of Baker County completed, Haines, Rock Creek and Wingville.
Many more people have asked about submitting photos, here is the best way to get them up quickly:
Send an email to Oregon Genealogy
- Provide the name of the Cemetery
- Number of Photos
- We will provide the answers to get your photos to us.
Your Photos
We will except all cemetery photos, but size is very important. The best size you can send is no larger than 600X600 (approximately) pixels. If you send a photo that is 1500x1500 pixels or larger, these all have to be cropped and that will take us longer to get them online. We put up all 713 images in the Haines Cemetery, in 1 day because all these were ready to go online. Your help with your
originals helps us!!
Quality of Photos
The better quality photo you send the better it is going to show up on line. We also use these photos to read the information on the stone.
Your County isn't Listed
Not a problem, just let us know what county and we will set up the county. When you ask us to add a new cemetery any information about the cemetery you can provide would be welcome. Main gates or entrances are also nice to have for each cemetery.
Cemetery Survey
If you have a survey of the cemetery that is always welcome, we are preparing a database of cemeteries that will be linked to the tombstones. These do take a little longer to get online because they have to fit the database and in many cases they have to be retyped.