A Moment in Time, Union County, Oregon and Douglas County, Minnesota
This information has been transcribed and generously contributed
Holly Vonderohe.
The Lake Review Osakis, Douglas County, MN
Thursday, February 7, 1895
Mr. M. S. SNOW is exhibiting, this week some samples of grain and fruit sent to him by his sons, Frank and Snip, who are at present in Union, Oregon, a live town of 2500 inhabitants, with street railway, paved streets, electric lights, etc. They express themselves as pleased with the country.
Osakis, will this week lose one of its oldest families in the departure of M. S. SNOW, which leave today for Union, Oregon, where they are preceded by their oldest sons, Frank and Marcus. Although Mr. SNOW has not disposed of his property here he leaves with the intention of remaining permanently. His residence will be occupied by the family of J. L. CHAMPION. We wish Mr. SNOW and family success in their new location.
Mr. M. S. SNOW was detained from leaving for Oregon last Thursday, owing to sickness in the family. He expects now to go soon as his family are able to withstand the journey.
Mr. Frank VAN VANSCHOONHOVEN of Union, Oregon, is here this week in the interest of Eastern Oregon Colonizing Co., of that city. Mr. VAN VANSCHOONHOVEN was a former resident of the county and is stopping with the family of M. S. SNOW.
In a letter to friends here Mr. M. S. SNOW writes from Union, Oregon, that he has purchased two acres of land and will go at once into the fruit business. Mr. SNOW adds that he is well pleased with his new location.
Mr. G. M. BAKER has this week sold his residence property here to Miss Mary RASMUSSON, better known as Mary ANDERSON, for a consideration of $225. Mr. BAKER will leave for Union, Oregon, about the 15th inst., where his wife and family are already located. Mr. BAKER has also disposed of his Rothsey residence property. He made the REVIEW a call yesterday and planked down the price for two years subscription to the "family journal."
The Lake Review Osakis, Douglas County, MN
July 25, 1895
Mr. Clay MOORE returned last week from a five week sojourn through the states of Montana, Idaho, Utah, Oregon, Washington and Iowa, whither he went with a view of finding a place to locate that would come up to his ideal. Mr. MOORE thinks that he has found the Garden of Eden in Union, Oregon, and will leave here with his family about October 15th. Mr. MOORE reports a most pleasant trip, congenial climate, delicious fruit, and entertaining people. He visited the homes of C. A. BAILOR, and Eugene BOLTON of Spokane, Wash., and M. S. SNOW and G. M. BAKER, of Union, Oregon, all former prosperous Osakisites, whom he reports are prosperous and happy, though Mr. SNOW and family talk of returning to Osakis next fall.
The Eastern Oregon Colonizing Co., of Union, Oregon will run excursions from Osakis and vicinity over the Great Northern Ry., via Spokane to Union, Oregon, during the months of September and October in charge of Mr. Frank VAN SCHOONHOVEN. The lowest rates possible will be given for round trip tickets.
Mr. K. SAUNDERS has sold his home in the Village to L. P. BELDING and will leave shortly for Union, Oregon, where his brother-in-law, G. M. BAKER is already located. This family will be greatly missed by their circle of friends here.
With, westward ho! for a motto and Union, Oregon, as their destination three of Osakis' old and respected families to their departure last Monday. The party left over the Great Northern, chaperoned by Frank VAN SCHOONHOVEN of Eastern Oregon Colonizing Co., and was composed of Clay MOORE and family, K. SAUNDERS and family, and Mr. and Mrs. L. H. WEBSTER. They leave here with the intention of locating in Union. and have the wish of a host of Douglas County friends that they may continue to be prosperous and happy. Mrs. W. B. LYONS accompanies the party and will spend the winter with the family of John ROGERS, a former Osakisite, at North Yakima, Wash.