Wallowa County Deaths from a Family Bible

Apparent Owner Lurd?? D. Huckabay and Kate M. Huckabay


June 07, 1878 ( T. H. )


P. O Evans May 28, 1817
Ann D. Ervery? April 15, 1816
Clarence C. Biggs February 03, 1894
Della C.?. Biggs December 31, 1895
Esther? May Biggs May 18, 1897
Eva Agnes Harris June 17, 1898
Robert Lee Biggs February 23, 1925
Helen Iva Ranes November 04, 1926 Died: April 11, 1929
J. Ranes? July 29, 1928
Richard Overton Harris May 10, 1871
Jennie Malinda Huckabay February 10, 1871 Dayton, Washington

Contributed by: Gary Jaensch

Wallowa County


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