E-G Marriages Wallowa County, Oregon
Arba M. ELLEGE / Ada May RAY
Mr. and Mrs. George EMMONS 56th Anniversary
Lewis EVANS / Lillie Bork Wedding Picture
George FRAZIER Sr.-50th Anniversary
Irvine FRENCH / Louise KELLEY
Harvey Tilford GALLOWAY / Dollie Louisa SOUTHWICK Marriage Certificate
Anthony A. GOEBEL / Estella Ruth JOHNSON
Jno. P. GOEBEL/ Ora Ethel BURRUS
Harlan GREEN / Mrs. Vera CONKLEMAN
Marriage of J.A. Eddlemon and Edith Robinson
Shortly After 5 o'clock, July 17, 1902, Chester Applington of Bly, Wash. and Miss Edith
Robinson of Paradise, Oregon were united in marriage. J.P. Officiating.
The wedding took place at the home of the J.P. and was a quiet affair. The only gests (sic)
present were Edd Akin and Wife, Stella and Matty Akin and L. Austin.
Flora Journal.
July 18, 1902.
Arba M. Ellege, and Miss Ada May Ray, both of Wallowa, were granted a marriage license
last Tuesday and were united in marriage by Judge Conoway on the same day.
Wallowa County Reporter
Thursday March 4, 1920
George Emmons Celebrate 56th Wedding Day; Honored at Meeting
The observance of the fifty-sixth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Emmons
of Baker was made enjoyable as the occasion came on the day of the annual good-will
meeting by members of the Baker County Historical Society - Tuesday, Oct. 14 - at the gun
club building. The traditional wedding cake, baked by Miss Dolby of Keating, was
presented to the couple.
The Emmons were married Oct. 14, 1902.
The groom was born in Carthage, Illinois, and came to La Grande with his parents in 1885
when he was three years old, the year, he learned later, was marked by the coming of the
railroad to Eastern Oregon. his father, J. W. Emmons established a dairy near La Grande and
George remembers how the family, under primitive conditions, furnished fresh milk to hotels of
La Grande, at one time milking as many as 80 cows.
Mrs. Emmons was born a Summerville Dec. 6, 1885. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.R. Atkins,
later moved to Wallowa County. Also Mr Emmons parents moved to Enterprise, and George
has a brother and sister living there at the present time.
The baker couple are parents of two children, a son, who is deceased, and a daughter,
Mrs. Bill Morrison.
Donated by S. Renee Schaeffer
Married - At the residence of J.W. Luttrell in this place; Nov. 13, Squire Luttrell officiating,
Miss Iva Bloom and Mr. Leonard Emmons, of Alder, the Aurora offers congratulations.
The Aurora Enterprise
November 15, 1905
Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Averell were at Joseph Saturday to attend the wedding of Miss Mattie McLean
of that place to a Mr.
Emmouck of Medford. The wedding was a very pretty one. The young people
will reside at Aberdeen.
Wallowa County Reporter
Thursday May 29, 1919
Married 28 June 1906
Enterprise, Wallowa, OR
(Sent by Rose Harnden)
At the residence of Rev. B.F. Miller in this city, Tuesday, July 31st, 1917, Guy Fisher to
Anna Fisher. Both parties of Lostine. Rev. B.F. Miller officiating.
Wallowa County Reporter Enterprise
Thursday August 2, 1917
A very quiet but elegant wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Robinson Wednesday,
September 10, 1902 at about 8 o'clock p.m.
Mr. Fred Fitzpatrick and Miss Ada Robinson were the contracting parties. The
ceremony was
performed by Rev. Johnson of Lostine.
The bride was beautifully attired in cream colored silk, while the bride-groom wore
conventional black.
A delicious supper followed the ceremony, after which the party was entertained with some
fine selections of instrumental music by Mrs. V.H. Robinson.
The newly wedded pair started early Thursday morning for Lostine, where they were to meet
a party of friends, at a dinner given in their honor at the house of the grooms parents. After spending
a day or two with Lostine relatives and friends, they will spend part of their "honeymoon" ina a
pleasure trip, taking in the Carnival at Portland and the State fair at Salem on their way.
The bridegroom is a highly respected business man of Lostine. The bride has been one of
Wallowa County's most faithful(?) school teachers for several years and is an accomplished young lady
who will be an attribute to any society in which she may be placed.
The Journal joins all of their other friends in wishing these estimable young people many flowers and
such sunshine along their merged pathways.
Flora Journal
September 12, 1902
W.L. Flowers / Ruth Sanders Marriage
W.L. Flower, editor of the Joseph Herald, and Miss Ruth Sanders of this city were united in
marriage by Rev. Astwood and the minister's home on Pine Creek. This young couple is well
known her and at Joseph and have a host of friends who wish them happiness and prosperity.
Clarence L. Booth, the popular employee of the Enterprise House Furnishing Co. was married
to Miss Mary Wyatt at the bride's home in Amity, Oregon on August 7th. The happy young couple
returned on Wednesday's train and will make their home in the north part of town. They have the
best wishes of a host of friends.
Wallowa County Reporter
August 16, 1917
The marriage of Miss Ruth Sanders of Enterprise and W.L. Flowers of Joseph was solemnized
Sunday afternoon, Aug. 12, at the home of Rev. J.R. Astwood of Lewis, Ore. The happy couple
will make their home in Joseph where the
bridegroom is the editor of the Joseph Herald.
Wallowa County Reporter
Thursday August 16, 1917
Dr. E.A. Fosner / Belle Parish
Dr. E.A. Fosner, the Popular dentist of this city, and Miss Belle Parish, the second daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. E. Parish, of near Alder, were united in the holy bonds of wedlock last Tuesday
at the home of the Bride's parents; Roy J. S. Suit(?) officiating. Only the immediate friends and
relatives were present at the ceremony. The happy couple will reside in this city.
The Aurora congratulates.
The Aurora
October 4, 1895
Mr. and Mrs. George Frazier - Golden Anniversary
The golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Frazier Sr., was celebrated on the 3rd
inst. on the celebration grounds north of town. Old timers and others to about the number of 64
gathered and welcomed the old-time lovers about 11 a.m. Preceding a splendid midday dinner, a
one hundred dollar gold piece was presented to the happy couple.
Mrs. Frazier was born in England and came to America when she was eight years old. Mr. Frazier
was born in Ky., was raised in Texas and found his wife in Helena, Montana. A few years after
marriage, this couple came west as far as Snake river in Idaho. From there they moved to Portland,
then back to the Grande Ronde valley and later to our locality, were then in Idaho a short time and
finally came back to the best place of all to stay, the north end of Wallowa county. Mr. Frazier is in
his 83rd year, his wife is 66 years old. Both are fairly well and hearty. We wish for them many
more such anniversaries.
Wallowa County Reporter
Thursday June 12, 1919
Irvine French, well known Wallowa county boy and son of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. French, who lived
here for years, was married Wednesday, December 20, 1920, at Independence, to Miss Louise
Kelley, according to announcements received by friends. Irvine was in the naval academy at
Annapolis for a couple of years and was in the aviation service in the war, reaching the rank of
captain. The family now lives in western Oregon.
Enterprise Record Chieftain
Front Page Thursday
December 30, 1920
Harvey Tilford GALLOWAY / Dollie Louisa Southwick
This Certifies
That on the 18th Day of May in the year of our LORD 1913
Dick Galloway (Harvey Tilford Galloway) and
Dollie Southwick (Dollie Louisa Southwick) were by me united in
HOLY MATRIMONY at the home of B. Southwick
According to the ORDINANACE of GOD,
and the laws of the State of Oregon
(Rev) Fred G. Potter
Promise Oregon
This marriage certificate donated by: Arleta Galloway
Anthony A. Goebel / Estella Ruth Johnson
Anthony A. Goebel and Estella Ruth Johnson were united in marriage at La Grande on
August 4th. Both parties are residents of Wallowa.
Wallowa County Reporter
Thursday August 16, 1917
Jno. P. Goebel / Ora Ethel Burrus Marriage
Jno. P. Goebel was united in marriage to Miss Ora Ethel Burrus by Justice A.B. Conoway,
Thursday, January 22nd. Both Parties live at Wallowa.
Wallowa County Reporter
January 23, 1918
Dr. Gordon / Josephine Beaudoin
Miss Josephine Beaudoin and Dr. Gordon of Baker, Oregon, were united in marriage last week.
Wallowa County Reporter
Thursday September 19, 1918
At the residence of the brides parents, Mr. Lando Gowey to Miss Mary Evans, July 18, 1895.
Rev. Norris officiating. The bride and groom are both residents of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Gowey
will reside in Flora. Ye scribe wish them a happy journey through life.
The Aurora
July 26, 1895
Harlan Green / Mrs. Vera Conkleman
A quiet wedding occurred at the R.F. Stubblefield home Thursday June 24 at eleven o'clock,
when the Rev. H.E. Cullison united in
marriage Mrs. Vera Conkleman and Harlan Green. The
young couple left on the afternoon train for Wallowa going from there to the groom's home near
Grouse, Oregon, where he is engaged in ranching and stock raising.
Wallowa County Reporter
July 1, 1920
Dr. Verdo B. Gregory / Beulah Working
Dr. Verdo B. Gregory, formerly of Joseph, but now located at Hemmet, Calif., has acquired a
hospital at that place. Reports also tell of his marriage to Miss Beulah Working, who was head
nurse at the Joseph hospital while Dr. Gregory owned it.
Wallowa County Reporter
Thursday March 4, 1920