Businessmen, Baker County, Oregon

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Peoples Steam Laundry

      One of the most important industries of our thriving town is the above, it portion of the interior of which we present, in an accompanying cut. It is located on Washington street, a half block east of the Warshauer Hotel, in the most central part of the city, and at a spot where they have the moat excellent drainage. The building is 30x100 feet, two stories high. In the purchase of machinery, and in the installation of business no expense was spared in making everything first class, in order that the work turned out might equal any in the state. A short time since we paid a visit to the laundry, and were well repaid. Although from early Monday morning until late Saturday night it is a busy place, time is always taken to show visitors through, and explain the machinery and its workings. Entering the office which is neat and comfortable in its appearance, one can follow the process of washing, drying, starching and ironing, until the once soiled linen is tied up ready for delivery. In its snowy whiteness, which must be seen to be appreciated. The bundles of dirty clothes are assorted into separate bins, after being counted and marked, and are then ready for the wash-room. Large crates are wheeled to the clothes bins, and the clothes run into the washroom, and put into the washers, which are large cylinders, revolving first forward, then backward, allowing the clothes to drop from side to side upon raised ribs of wood. This gives the same effect as rubbing them over the familiar washboard, and in one hour 100 to 125 shirts or equal proportion of other clothing are ready for the bluing. After rinsing and bluing, they go to the extractor, which is nothing less than a centrifugal drier. The plain work is then ready to be ironed on the mangle, a large steam ironer capable of ironing one thousand towels in one hour, which will give the same finish to a bedspread as to a napkin. The starch work goes to the starch table, thence to the dry room, which is a series of racks in a steam-heated closet. The steam table for underwear, blankets, etc., is a novel idea, and a valuable one too. as it raises the nap on the goods until they are soft and fluffy and as pure and sweet as new. In the shirt, collar and cuff department it is a relief to see the work done by girls in their neat and attractive attire, rather than to see the filthy Chinese in their close cramped quarters, spewing over their work which may be a little cheaper but in a thousand ways objectionable.
     The shirt work alone is rapidly building up a business for the laundry, which the management may well be proud of, as it is conceded of every hand to be equal if not superior to any work of this nature in the state. Two delivery wagons call for and deliver work locally, and they also have established agencies in Union, Sumpter and Huntington, Oregon, and Weiser, Caldwell and Nampa, Idaho, besides at all the mining camps in the neighboring counties. The management consist of J. W. Dalton and his wife, have both personally had over fifteen years experience in the business, and who personally look after the inside part of the work. They contemplate some improvements in the near future, such as putting in a large drive well filter, additional storage tanks for hot and cold water. etc., which when finished, will make it the most complete laundry between Portland and Salt Lake.

Palmer & Denham


     A list of Baker City's enterprising and successful business men would not he complete without mentioning Palmer & Denham, the hustling, up-to-date harness men of Main street. The partners, R. R. Palmer and H. E. Denham, are both practical mechanics and personally supervise the construction of every piece of work that is turned out of their shop. The interior cut we present will give our traders some idea of the line carried, which consists of harness, saddles, saddlery, hardware, horse furniture of every description and gloves. They have the largest stock in Eastern Oregon, keeping at large assortment on hand in order to satisfy the demands of all their customers. They make a specialty of stock saddles, at catalogue of which can be second on application. In their shop they employ five skilled workmen, and their motto is "The very best at reasonable prices." They are also agents for the White sewing machine, which they sell for from $30 to $50.

J. H. Parker & Sons

    A splendid representative of its special line of enterprise is that conducted by J. It. Parker & Sons, livery, board and hack stables. They lover half a block, two stories In height, with accommodations for 125 head of horses, and in fact are the largest stables in Eastern Oregon. They are thoroughly equipped in every way, owning carriages. hulks, and so forth, including it $1200.00 hearse. Special attention is paid to boarders, which are accommodated lit most moderate rates. They also handle hay and grail. owning two ranches in the valley, about eight miles from Baker City, raising hay on one and grain on the other. The firm is composed of J. H. Parker and his sons Carlos and W. H.
    T. H. Parker is at native of Canada, but has been located in this country since 1802, successfully following ranching until he went into his present business. He is stock inspector for the county, and cheerfully furnishes information regarding the sheep business to any inquirer
     His sons are both good business men, and number their friends by the score.

Stoddard Brothers Lumber

      Numbered among the enterprising mill firms of Eastern Oregon is that of the above named gentlemen. Established in McEwan about three years ago by George and Joseph Stoddard, it has been running at the full capacity of 30,000 feet per day. While other mills have been forced to reduce or temporarily shut down, the Stoddard mills have continued to increase their orders. This is largely due to the fact that they are thoroughly conversant with eastern methods, and have been enabled to capture trade where others have failed. A year ago last spring they moved their planer and yards to Baker City. The planer is as thoroughly equipped with modern machinery as is possible, including band saws, circular saws, rip saws, surface, matcher, sticker, trimmers, &c. They also have a printing machine for printing fruit boxes, as they do a large business in that line. Their trade is mostly of a wholesale nature, as they ship to Idaho, Utah, Montana. Wyoming, Colorado and Nebraska. George Stoddard is a native of Utah, being born in Cache Valley in 1865. He received his education there, and remained at home until of age. He then spent three years in Wyoming, and later three in North Powder, Oregon. He has been in the saw mill business since he was a mere lad. In 1888 he married Miss Ellen Izatt, of Logan. Utah, and has four sons.
     Joseph Stoddard is also a native of Utah, and was born in 1873. He received his education at Ogden and moving to Oregon became a partner of his brother in 1894. He is married to Miss Maggie Izatt, and has at daughter.

Crystal Palace

John's Grocery Company

    A review of our business houses would be incomplete without some mention of the one above. Incorporated in July, 1893, they carry complete lines in groceries, queensware, clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, and open's furnishings. In groceries they endeavor to satisfy the wants of the most exacting of their city patrons, and constantly add to the variety of brands carried until today on their shelves will be found an assortment of staple and fancy groceries rarely seen outside of it city store. In the clouting department they can fill the wants of any possible customer, as the selection runs from that adapted to four year old children to that adapted to the largest sized man. In selecting their lines it has always been their aim to keep three things in view, and these are durability, style and fit. "Up-to-date" fully expresses their stock of men's furnishings, a casual observation disclosing the fact that their stock is a most complete and diversified one In hats and caps thy carry all the well-known makes, and the intending purchaser would indeed be hard to please it he could not be satisfied out of their selection. In shoes they carry such well-known lines as C. M. Henderson & Co.'s and C. Gotzian & Co.'s, and every pair is carefully fitted before the customer leaves the house. Believing implicitly in fair and upright dealing with every one alike, they base their business on the strictly one price system. and the "age or previous condition of servitude" of their customers make no difference in the marking of goods. By this fair treatment and great zeal in entering to the warns of their customers, although a new firm, in one sense, they have forged right to the front.
     Cato Johns, one of the partners, came here in 1890, and a year later engaged in the grocery business which two years later was merged into the present stock company. F. E. Hale, who has lately become interested, is a merchant of considerable experience, and a man that cannot help to make friends among us.

P. Basche

     What Wendell Phillips said of great Political institutions is also true of great business enterprises: "They are not made, they grow," This saying finds ample and fitting illustration in the large hardware establishment owned by P. Basche.
     Established in 1865 by J. H. Parker, two years later P. Basche and S. Ottenheimer bought him out, the later selling out a year later to S. H. Parker again, the firm continuing as Parker & Basche until 1888, when J. P. Faull became interested, buying out Mr. Parker's interest two years after Mr. Faull's death Mr. Basche bought his interest and has since conducted the business alone.
     The main salesroom is 25x100, two stories, and their warehouse on First street 50x100 three stories. Powder, caps, fuse. &r., being carried on the outskirts of the city is a specially constructed warehouse. As this institution virtually supplies the trade of four counties, the stock carried is one of unusual magnitude. It consists of hardware in all its branches, stoves and house furnishings, agricultural implements, mining machinery, paints, oils, and building material. In sporting goads be has such well-known. agencies as the Winchester Repeating Arms Co., Martin Arms Co., and also Smith's,  Parker and Ithica shot guns. In the house furnishing department he has the absolute agency of the "Majestic" steel range and Bridge, Beach & Co.'s line, the "Superior" stoves and steel ranges. His judgment in selecting these lines speaks for itself, the "Majestic" being undoubtedly the best range in the market, the best authorities being unanimous in their declarations that for simplicity of construction, ease of management, cleanliness in use and certainty of no repair bills it is unequalled. The "Superior" line is made by men who have 61 years experience as stove makers, which assertion should speak for itself. In the implement department he controls the sole agency of the "Oliver" plows, Mitchell farm and spring wagons, Buffalo Pitts threshers, Crown mowers, McCormack mowers and reaper's, and Thomas hay rakes. In mining machinery he carries the Knowles pump, hydraulic glints and stamp mills of every description. He has also a complete plant for the manufacture of hydraulic pipe, being able to make any size wanted: in fact, he has sold 3500 feet of eleven inch 16 gauge steel pipe this season of his own make. In powder he handles the "Hercules." made by the California Powder Works, which is noted for its uniformity, the company at present having a government contract for smokeless powder, gun cotton, &e, to an extent of over one million dollars.   
     In paints, oils, lead, &e., he carries none but high grade goods, and in building material of all kinds his stock is an unusually heavy one. The plumbing and tinshop is under the supervision of experienced workmen. Some idea of the amount of business he does can be gained from the fact that at present be has eighteen men in his employ. Last year he handled about 126 carloads of merchandise, including four of wagons and four of powder, paying In the aggregate over $30,000 freight charges.

S. A. Heilner

     When we see a gentleman who is successful in his business, we know that his prosperity is not the result of chance, but rather that he has worked hard and long, and that he possesses a spirit which does not succumb to trifling discouragements. When one attains this proud distinction of being known as a solid man, his word is considered its good as his bond, and his reputation must necessarily be unblemished. Mr. Heilner is one of our citizens who, without aid or guidance, has followed the true instincts of his own progressive nature and today takes his place in the ranks of the very foremost. Born in Germany in 1837, he came to the United States in 1852, and to the southern part of this state in 1854, where he followed quartz mining and merchandising. While residing there he went through the Rogue River Indian war of '55 and '56 and was a member of Oregon's sanitary commission in the civil war. In 1872 he moved to Eastern Oregon, locating at Sparta, where he operated a merchandise establishment until 1874, whet he moved to Baker City, and has since been engaged in the the merchandise or warehouse business. In the manner of improving his property he has proven his faith in the future of our town, his main store, of which we present a view, being an elegant three story brick 50x100. In this he carries an unusually heavy stock of groceries and queensware, in which lines he does an extensive business, both wholesale and retail. He is also erecting a fireproof stone warehouse 52x100 on First street to accommodate his increasing storage business, as he handles wool, grain, hides. &v., buying direct on commission, and does, forwarding and storage for interior points.
     Mr. Heilner is at charter member of Baker City Lodge No. 47, A. F. and A. M. and also a member of Keystone Chapter No. 15. R. A. . In 1874 he married Miss Clara Neuberger of Portland, and they have four children, two of his sons Jesse and Sanford, being associated with him in business, the other, Joseph, being a law partner of Wm. Smith.

Palmer Grocery Company

     The above named house, one of the most representative in its line, was incorporated in May, 1894, by J. W. Daly and Joseph and C. L. Palmer. Their salesroom is tastefully furnished, and contains a choice and carefully collected stock of everything in the line of staple and fancy groceries, queensware, glassware, crockery, &c. They carry a very fine line of fancy groceries, and the scale of operations of this firm are such that they are enabled to offer very special inducements which the public has been quick to recognize, for the trade comes from all parts of the city, and from nine mines, and is constantly improving. Besides the members of the firm two assistants are generally employed. They run a free delivery wagon. Succeeding Place & Co. in 1894, the business has steadily grown, compelling them to enlarge their quarters forty feet. In queensware, glassware, &c., they carry the latest designs and patterns, their stock being probably the largest in the city. The members of the firm are enterprising, progressive business men, and fully merit their good success.

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Eastern Oregon Gold Fields


Oregon Genealogy

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