An Index of records in the
Columbia Funeral Home Inc., St Helens Oregon
AASTROM, Theodore K - 1992
ABBOTT, Erma - 1992
Abbott, Ernest R. - 1966:CC
Abbott, Myrtle I. - 1978:CC
Abbott, Tim L. - 1979:SH
Abram, Joe P. - 1980:SH
Abrams, Gisella E. - 1969:SH
Acker, Harold S. - 1932:SH
Acker, Harold S. - 1932:SH
Ackerson, Alma Helena - 1973:SH
ACORDA, Nancy L - 1995
ACORDA, Robert T - 1995
Adam, Frank - 1974:SH
Adam, Stanley F. - 1989:SH
Adam, Stella - 1985:SH
Adams, Agnes C. - 1988:SH
Adams, Archie - 1976:SH
Adams, Bayb Dawn D. - 1972:SH
ADAMS, Bertha C - 1995
ADAMS, Charlotte J - 1999
ADAMS, Cora A - 1998
Adams, Daniel L. - 1968:SH
Adams, Elmer D. - 1983:SH
Adams, Ernest L. - 1945:SH
Adams, Frederick - 1966:CC
Adams, Gilbert Winston - 1990:SH
Adams, Harry J. - 1984:SH
ADAMS, Harry S - 1996
Adams, Isaac - 1946:SH
ADAMS, Jack E - 1991
ADAMS, Kay L - 1993
Adams, Leslie Harold - 1969:SH
Adams, Martha A. - 1934:SH
ADAMS, Mary H - 1998
Adams, Mary J. - 1977:SH
Adams, Michael - 1982:SH
Adams, Minnie - 1950:SH
Adams, Minnis S. - 1949:SH
ADAMS, Norman B - 1994
Adams, Peter L. - 1943:SH
Adams, Raymond R. - 1984:SH
Adams, Robert E. - 1986:SH
Adams, Saundra (baby) - 1966:SH
Adams, Vera - 1931:SH
Addington, Martha E. - 1947:SH
ADDINGTON,Donald K - 1996
Addy, Ada E. - 1976:SH
Addy, Baby Carrie N. - 1977:SH
Addy, Rufus - 1966:SH
ADENAU, Baby - 1992
Adkins, Earl - 1977:SH
Adkins, Gerald W. - 1949:SH
Adkins, Orville L. - 1969:CC
Adolphson, Albert - 1933:SH
AGASSIZ Frederick A - 1993
Agsten, Baby Gail H. - 1977:SH
AHLBORN, A J - 1993
AHLF, Thomas J - 1994
AIKEN, Eleanor I - 1992
Aitben, Baby Heidi C. - 1972:SH
AKERS, Oscar O - 1991
Akin, James W. - 1945:SH
Akin, Margaret - 1945:SH
ALBERTSON, Adara R - 1995
Albertson, Emma H. - 1942:SH
ALBERTSON, Frances L - 1998
Albertson, Gustav - 1985:SH
ALBERTSON, John T - 1996
Albertson, Margaret - 1983:SH
Albertson, Oscar T. - 1986:SH
Albright, Leory B. - 1982:SH
Albright, Margaret Louise - 1987:SH
Albro, Orion D. - 1932:SH
ALDERSEBAES, Jacob K - 1995
Alesbo, Edith L. - 1969:SH
Alesko, Anthony - 1972:SH
Alexander, Eugene C. - 1987:SH
Alexander, Grover A - 1963:SH
Alexander, Mamie Elizabeth - 1974:SH
ALEXANDER, Violet V - 1993
Alexandvo, Charles Volney - 1974:SH
Alfano, Henry - 1983:SH
Alford, Evelyn C. - 1947:SH
ALLEN HUGHES, Esta J - 1994
Allen, Alfred R. - 1969:SH
Allen, Bertha A. - 1969:SH
Allen, Catherine A. - 1969:SH
Allen, Dison, Sr. - 1982:SH
Allen, Don H. - 1949:SH
Allen, Joe - 1975:SH
Allen, Linda A. - 1971:CC
Allen, Lula Kate - 1973:SH
Allen, Melvin W. - 1975:SH
Allen, Viola Zelma - 1971:SH
Alley, Dorothy W. - 1988:SH
Allison, Fidelia - 1988:SH
Allison, Gay L. - 1969:CC
Allison, Glenn - 1977:SH
Allison, Robert E. - 1973:SH
Allsvaag, Bernice V. - 1973:SH
Almquist, P.N. - 1935:SH
Alpaugh, Blanch S. - 1971:SH
Alpaugh, Fred J. - 1968:SH
Altermatt, Sidney B. - 1965:SH
Althauser, Charles F. - 1946:SH
Alton, Cyrus - 1943:SH
AMACK, Norma E - 1992
Ames, Leon D. - 1983:SH
Amick, Helen J. Sr. - 1978:SH
Anderson, Adolph - 1935:SH
Anderson, Alvin Kenneth - 1974:SH
Anderson, Andrew B. - 1987:SH
Anderson, Anna F. - 1989:SH
Anderson, Aulton A. - 1963:SH
ANDERSON, Bessie F - 1996
Anderson, Betty Jane - 1989:SH
Anderson, Bion H. - 1978:SH
Anderson, Bjarne E. - 1948:SH
Anderson, Carl H. - 1944:CL
Anderson, Carl J. - 1977:SH
Anderson, Carol I. - 1983:SH
Anderson, Charles R. - 1975:CC
Anderson, Christian - 1965:CC
Anderson, Christine - 1943:CL
Anderson, Duane L. - 1974:SH
Anderson, Edythe - 1963:SH
Anderson, Elas - 1944:CL
Anderson, Elnar - 1968:CC
Anderson, Emil A. - 1978:SH
Anderson, Eric - 1931:SH
Anderson, Erna - 1984:SH
Anderson, Ethel T. - 1964:SH
Anderson, Fawn L. - 1989:SH
Anderson, Floyd C. - 1982:SH
Anderson, Gary Dean - 1982:SH
Anderson, George E. - 1983:SH
Anderson, George R. - 1943:CL
Anderson, Glen M. - 1987:SH
Anderson, Gordon L. - 1987:SH
Anderson, Harold T. - 1973:SH
Anderson, Ida Cecilia - 1972:SH
Anderson, Ida M. - 1969:SH
Anderson, Jerry James - 1981:SH
Anderson, John N. - 1931:SH
Anderson, Judith K. - 1950:SH
Anderson, Julia - 1947:SH
ANDERSON, Larry J - 1994
Anderson, Laurin V. - 1978:SH
Anderson, Leo P. - 1965:CC
Anderson, Leona L. - 1982:SH
Anderson, Lydia A. - 1948:SH
ANDERSON, Margaret E - 1993
ANDERSON, Martha L - 1994
ANDERSON, Mary L - 1999
Anderson, Mildred - 1984:SH
Anderson, Nels - 1932:SH
Anderson, Norman E. - 1966:SH
Anderson, Olaf - 1950:SH
Anderson, Oline - 1966:SH
ANDERSON, Olive E - 1994
Anderson, Peter - 1930:SH
Anderson, Robert S. - 1972:SH
Anderson, Rose M. - 1986:SH
Anderson, Roy C. - 1949:SH
Anderson, William J. - 1983:SH
Anderson, Wilma N. - 1986:SH
Andone, Theodore St. - 1987:SH
Andrehsen, Bernard A. - 1985:SH
Andrehsen, Erma M. - 1963:SH
Andress, Gerogio - 1935:SH
Andress, Marion A. - 1985:SH
Andrews, Ethel Irene - 1974:SH
ANDREWS, FrancesV - 1993
Andrews, John Henry - 1972:SH
Andrews, Olivers - 1942:SH
ANDREWS, Ruth J - 1990
ANDREWS, Virgil B - 1992
Andrews, William W. - 1981:SH
ANDREWS. Wendell D - 1999
Andrist, Charles A. - 1985:SH
Anicker, Adolph - 1985:SH
ANICKER, Audrey M - 1995
Anlicker, Alice M. - 1965:CC
Anlicker, Evelyn M. - 1935:SH
Anlicker, Hilda A. - 1983:SH
Anlicker, Louise - 1930:SH
Anliker, Anna V. - 1973:SH
Anliker, Gottlieb - 1949:SH
Anliker, Mina M. - 1974:SH
Anliker, Rudoph - 1966:SH
Annack, Virginia D. - 1982:SH
Annia, Bernice L. - 1976:SH
ANNIA, Bonnie M - 1998
ANNIA, Gilbert L - 1995
Annia, Ronald G. - 1949:SH
Anschutz, Joseph M - 1983:SH
ANTIJUNTI, Marie I - 1999
Antinoja, Eugene J. - 1988:SH
Appel, Marcella C. - 1986:SH
Apple, Cordia L. - 1989:SH
APPLE, Marilyn E - 1995
APPLE, Thomas E - 1992
APPLEBY, James M - 1992
APPLEBY, JR. James M -1999
Applegate, Lee C. - 1988:SH
Applegate, Veona H. - 1975:SH
Arbuckle, LeRoy I. - 1979:SH
Archibald, John L. - 1946:SH
Archibald, Kenneth - 1982:SH
Armillo, Faustino - 1943:SH
Armistead, Arthur W. - 1944:SH
Armstrong, Baby Angel M. - 1972:SH
Armstrong, Francis A. - 1987:SH
Armstrong, Maude Alice - 1972:SH
Armstrong, Thomas J. - 1968:CC
Armstrong, Viola E. - 1986:SH
Arnote, William T. - 1965:SH
Aronson, Matilda - 1949:SH
Arrowsmith, Aaron - 1941:SH
Arsanto, James - 1942:CL
Arthur, Amolia Augusta - 1981:SH
Artman, Dareld L.Jr - 1987:SH
Artman, Lothar E. - 1977:SH
Ashenfelter, Mazie - 1981:SH
Asher, Frank - 1949:SH
Ask, Alexander - 1947:SH
Aspgren, Cecile V. - 1988:SH
Aspgren, David - 1975:CC
Aspgren, Jeannie K. - 1990:SH
Atherton, Jesse - 1929:SH
Athey, John W. - 1987:SH
Atkins, Albert S. - 1948:SH
Atkinson, Joseph L. - 1943:SH
Atterburg, Margarette P. - 1964:SH
Atterbury, Charles U. - 1951:SH
Atterbury, Murray G. - 1972:SH
Attig, Albert George - 1973:SH
Atwood, Bonnie L. - 1944:SH
Aubuchon, Frederick L. - 1969:CC
AUBUCHON, Louise E - 1992
Aubushon, Mariana K. - 1983:SH
Ault, George E. - 1941:SH
Ault, Patricia F. - 1985:SH
Ault, Rowena - 1984:SH
Aultom, Ruth P. - 1984:SH
AUSTIN, Astrid R - 1999
AUSTIN, Bernice A - 1990
Austin, Bertha E. - 1969:SH
Austin, Boyd - 1984:SH
AUSTIN, Chester M - 1991
Austin, Jay R. - 1984:SH
Austin, Lowell D. - 1979:SH
Austin, Patricia - 1942:SH
Austin, Richard H. - 1987:SH
Avis, Earl L. - 1983:SH
Axford, Jean - 1964:SH
Ayers, Elizabeth - 1930:SH
Ayers, Harvey Thomas - 1969:SH
Ayres, Harry E. - 1967:CC
Ayres, Margaret A. - 1944:SH
Ayres, Susie - 1967:CC