Newt. Livingston
Livingston, the present sheriff of Grant County, is
a native of Missouri. When he was barely a year old, he
came to Oregon with his parents, and lived in Douglas County until 1886.
Moving then to Willow precinct, on
Granite Creek, in the
northern part of this county, he took op a homestead and became engaged in
stock rising. In 1896 he was nominated by the Populist Party for Sheriff,
and was elected by a handsome majority. He has proven to be a capable and
efficient officer, and is popular with all who know him. In 1875 he
married Miss M. E. Newsman, of Douglas County, and has four children.
Hon. George L. Hazeltine
Among the many pioneers of this county
none stand higher in the estimation of
their fellow citizens than the
subject of our sketch. Born in New
York in 1838, he came
to California at the age of 17 with
his oldest brother and resided
there for a period of nine years. On the 4th day
of July 1862, he arrived in Grant
County, and became engaged in
mining. In 1804, in connection with A. R.
Callum, he built the John Day flouring
mills, being the first one
built east of the Cascades in the State. He operated
it until 1874, when he disposed
of his interest to
James Norman. He then took up
his old calling of photography,
and has followed that more or less ever since.
1878 he was nominated by the Democratic
Party for County
Judge, and being elected, served until 1882. He was re-elected
again in 1890, to the same office. In 1890 he was
elected County Treasurer, which
position he still occupies. He
takes quite an interest in fraternal affairs having been
secretary of Canyon City Lodge No.
34, A. F. & A. M., continuously
since 1882, except one year, when he served as
master. He is also a member of Hobah
lodge No. 22, I. O. O. F.,
being a P. N. G. and is also Past Chief Patriarch
of Excelsior Encampment No. 3. Judge
Hazeltine married Miss Emiline
McCallum in April 1802, and has four children,
his oldest daughter being the wife of Hon. M. D.
Clifford, Circuit Judge of the Ninth
Judicial District, and his
second the wife of Hun. John W. Biggs, mayor of
Burns, Oregon.
D. B. Rinehart
The subject of this article relates to D. B. Rinehart and
his large orchard in the
John Day Valley, Grant County, Oregon. He came to the John Day Valley in
1804, about the time that Grant
County was cut off from Wasco. Hon. W.
Lair Hill, was appointed County
Judge by the governor of the
State, while William Luce and E. S. Pernfield were appointed County
Commissioners. The above board
constituted the first County Court of
Grant County. At the first
sitting of the court, D. B. Rinehart was appointed county
superintendent of public schools until the next general
election. He subsequently was elected two different
terms to the same
Although Grunt County at that time included what is
now known as Harney
County, yet the county was sparsely
settled, excepting the John Day Valley. It was estimated
that at that time about 3,000 souls, principally miners,
brought hither by the rich discoveries of gold along her mountain streams
and auriferous gulches, were inhabiting
the John Day Valley and adjacent to Canyon City, yet
few persons had conceived the idea of
entering extensively
into fruit growing, not knowing at that time that the
climate and soil were adapted to the
successful cultivation of
apples, pears, plums, cherries, prunes and other fruits. About the
year 1868 Mr. Rinehart, in connection with N.
W. Tesk, his partner in business at
that time, purchased about
6,000 fruit trees for the planting and cultivation of
the same and in the years 1869 and 1870
set out the largest orchard
grown in Grant County, if not the largest and
best cultivated in Eastern Oregon.
At least Professor
Hedrick, of the State University and
Horticultural Commissioner
Hobbs, of this district so stated or expressed
themselves when on a tour of inspection
among the
orchards of Eastern Oregon two years ago.
Mr. Rinehart is now, and has been for the last eight
years or upward, sole
proprietor of this valuable property,
and ships thousands of bushels of fruit
yearly to the neighboring markets, even to Baker City and some to
Portland. These fruits are
highly prized on account of
their high flavor and being
free from the effects of the codlin
moth or other insects, are sound and silvery to the very core.
While Mr. Rinehart devotes the greater part of his time
to the cultivation of
his large orchard, yet he is engaged
also in the raising of cattle and other
industries; owns
upward of 600 acres of land in one
body, all of which, outside of
the orchard grounds, he uses in cultivation to
meadow and alfalfa fields, and for the
purpose of pasturing his stock.
Of the above lands, Mr.
Rinehart at an early date in
the history of the Grant County filed on the orchard ranch of 160 acres as
a pre-emption. After proving up on this, he took 100 acres adjoining as a
homestead. Soon after taking
homestead, and while living upon
the same, he filed on another 100
acres still vacant, as a timber
culture claim, and commenced the planting of seeds,
trees and cuttings, and now can boast
of as beautiful cultivated
grove of timber as can be found in Eastern Oregon.
All the above lands are now patented and free from encumbrance.
Outside of Mr. Rinehart's filings and proofs
he purchased adjoining lands from
other parties, with titles
thereto, making in all his full complement of lands
as at first indicated.
Mr. Rinehart is a married man, has a wife and three
children, and seems to
be prosperous in his business and
enjoying life with his
family in his beautiful mountain home.
John A. Powell
present efficient and courteous County Clerk is a native
Oregonian. He received his education at Monmouth,
having moved to Yamhill
County, with his parents at an
early age. In 1886 he moved to Grant County, locating on the middle folk
of the John Day River, near Warm
Springs, taking up a homestead and following stock rising.
In 1892 he was appointed deputy sheriff, and in 1894 receiving the
nomination for County Clerk from the Republican
party, of which party he is a life long member, and was elected. As a
public official, he proved eminently
due to his affability and knowledge of
duties. At the expiration of his term he was re-elected. In 1878 he married Miss Bessie Hutchcroft of Yamhill
County, and has six children. |
Minot Austin
sterling citizen whose every thought is for the good
of the community, in
which he has reared his home and
cemented his associations, must always
command the respect and esteem
of his fellow citizens. Of such metal and
commanding such respect, is he whose
name is inscribed above. Born in
Sacramento, California, in 1853, at an early age he moved with his
parents to the Willamette Valley, where
he resided until 1867. Coming
to Eastern Oregon, he lived in
the John Day Valley until 1878. He then moved to his present home, which
at that time was still a part of Wasco County, and |
since been engaged principally in
farming and stock raising. He also is
owner of the Sumpter--Canyon
City Stage Line, and has a store located at Austin, and aims to carry a
stock with which to supply the
needs of the surrounding neighborhood. In 1888 he
married Linda Edwards.
She has personal charge of the
hostelry, and her reputation as a caterer is only second to that of
Grandma Munra's of the Log Cabin Eating House
at Meacham. |
Dr. V. C. Belknap
well known and popular physician of Prairie City, and
one whose kind, attentive treatment of the sick, and
geniality of manner towards the well
have made hint deservedly the
favorite of all classes, was born near Corvallis, Ore, in 1871. He
received his preliminary education in the schools
of Prineville, and later in Portland.
He graduated from Jefferson
Medical College of Philadelphia in 1894, and then
practiced for a while in the hospital
there. In January
1895, he located at Prairie City,
where he is still practicing. He
is married to Miss Clara McHaley, and his home is
the circle of a host of warm friends.
Dr. Belknap is a
member of the Oregon Medical |
Society, and also belongs to a
number of the leading fraternal orders being a Mason,
Odd Fellow, Woodman
and Workman. |
George W. Dart
George W. Dart is one of John Day's most honored citizens.
He is operating a large general merchandise establishment there,
and through courteous and fair treatment
has gained the esteem of the entire
community. Born in Maryland in 1858, he came to Canyon City, Oregon. In
1879, and was engaged in mining and stock rising until
Moving then to John Day he became
engaged in merchandising first under the firm name of Haptonstall &
Dart, and later with Phil. Metschan,
F. C. Sels and J. H. Blake as
Haptonstall, Dart & Co. In 1890, in connection
with C. E. Porter, he conducted the
establishment of Part & Porter,
but buying his partner out in June, 1897,
the business alone since.
Hiss stock is it well selected
one, embracing a general line of supplies adapted
to the wants of both the miner and
stockman. His aim has been to
serve the public with good goods at a living
profit. |
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