Oregon State University, 1933 Year Book

Please note in 1926 Oregon State Collage was an Agriculture Collage in 1927 the name was changed to Oregon State Agriculture College. Institution name changed to Oregon State College by common usage; although the official name, Oregon State Agricultural College, as used in the catalogs, did not change until 1937.  The name of the institution officially recognized on April 15, 1953 by the Oregon Legislative Assembly as Oregon State College.

1926 | 1930 | 1931 | 1935 | 1936

[Abbreviations: A=Agriculture, BA=Business Administration, IA=Industrial Arts, C=Commerce, CE=Chemical Engineering, E=Engineering, EE=Electrical Engineering, F=Forestry, HE=Home Economics, LE=Logging Engineering, ME=Mechanical Engineering, MiE=Mining Engineering, P=Pharmacy, VE=Vocational Education]

Dick Dunn, President
Nadine Millhollen, Vice President
Ruth Warnke, Secretary
Donald Sherwood, Treasurer
Delbert Ball, Sergeant-at-Arms
Simon Yerkovich, Student Council

Acarrequi, Floyd, C, Jordan Valley
Adams, George E., Education, Corvallis
Adams, Robert S., Jr., F, Lakeview
Aldrich, Amy, BA, Pendleton
Amos, Robert, C, Portland
Applebe, Mary, HE, Grants Pass
Applegate, Dan, E, Drain
Asper, Pauline, HE, Telocaset
Ayer, Constance, Education, Red Bluff, CA

Babcock, Irma Lucille, HE, Astoria
Baker, Gail Clinton, F, Callahan, CA
Baker, Kenneth Harold, A, Portland
Baldridge, W. Dwight, CE, Parma, IA
Baldwin, George M., Education, Portland
Ball, Delbert, EE, Portland
Ball, Edlon, A, Crockett, CA
Ball, Wendall L., Science, Corvallis
Bardwell, Vira, HE, Los Angeles, CA
Bates, Leon Edgar, P, Warm Springs
Bates, Ruth Anne, Education, Portland
Bear, Henrietta, HE, Albany
Beardsley, Cassius, A, Corvallis
Beasley, Dorothy, HE, Santa Ana, CA
Becker, Maxwell, BA, Caldwell, ID
Bedford, Jack M., Jr., BA, Williams, AZ
Benscheidt, Adolph, CE, Tillamook
Bertram, Mary, HE, Corvallis
Blasen, Robert E., EE, Portland
Bogart, Clark, C, Portland
Booth, Janet, HE, Jennings Lodge
Boswell, Carl K., VE, Ventura, CA
Bower, Philip Adair, Education, Corvallis
Brady, Lawrence, EE, Portland
Branton, Ivan, Ag. Engineering, Roseburg
Bray, Edwin Loren, EE, Albany
Brennan, Charlotte, HE, Portland
Briggs, Mark, C, Corvallis
Brown, Carlos T., F, Vancouver, WA
Brown, Carroll E., F, Vancouver, WA
Brown, Rebecca, Education, Portland
Brown, Harriet L., HE, Bend
Brunskill, Paul M., P, Albany
Bryan, Vanita F., C, Paisley
Buccatt, Jose U., E, Corvallis
Buck, Doris A., Education, Portland
Buck, Margie, HE, Eugene
Buckhorn, Elmer A., E, Bend
Buford, Howard Wellington, Landscape Arch., Long Beach, CA
Burwell, Gerald L., F, Corvallis
Busenbark, Helen, HE, Roseburg
Bush, William S., P, Portland
Butterfield, Neal A., Landscape Arch., Woodburn
Buzhard, Dorothy, C, Hillsboro
Byrne, Jack M., C, Elgin, IL

Callahan, Lucille B., HE, Los Angeles, CA
Campbell, Catherine May, HE, Tenino, WA
Campbell, Wilbert F., Business Admin., Portland
Carter, Edon W., CE, Portland
Cawlfield, Dale A., E, Corvallis
Charlton, Velma, HE, LaGrande
Christian, Stanley, A, Honamaulu, Kauai
Churchill, George, F, Roseburg
Clayton, Marjorie, Education, Enterprise
Cole, Mary-Lou, HE, Salem
Cole, Opal, HE, Scappoose
Coleman, T. J., CE, Portland
Coleman, James M., VE, Portland
Coleman, William H., A, Dundee
Collins, Mary Lou, HE, Ames, IA
Coldiron, Nora B., Education, Halsey
Coombe, Grace, BA, Ashland
Couey, Edgar A., C, Troutdale
Courtney, Robert, F, Los Angeles, CA
Cowen, Dale, C, Portland
Crawford, Harold F., P, Fontana, CA
Crump, Viola, C, Lakeview
Curtis, A. Ralph, Landscape Arch., Solomonville, AZ
Currin, Ruth Helen, Education, Lorane

Davidson, Marvin W., A, Haines
Davis, Owen L., Landscape Arch., Ontario
Davis, Ruth J., HE, Corvallis
Davis, Irene R., Education, Estacada
Davis, Florence, C, Portland
DeJong, John, CE, Brownsmead
Dernbach, Clifford J., E, Portland
Dickson, William Z., P, Portland
Donelson, Kenneth, C, Portland
Doughton, Howard F., C, Corvallis
Douglass, Howard, C, Spokane, WA
Drake, Miles Edward, P, Portland
Druschel, Dorothy, Education, Portland
DuFrane, Jack, C, Corvallis
Dunn, Richard W., Education, Seattle, WA

Edwards, Fern, VE, Portland
Eickmann, Robert D., School of Science, Corvallis
Eisenbrey, Evalyn, HE, Pomona, CA
Enegren, Edwin C., A, Marshfield
Enzie, J. Vincent, A, Long Beach, CA
Erickson, Alvin E., C, Grants Pass

Felker, Samuel A., Education, Eagle Creek
Ficklin, John A., C, Huntington
Finch, Robert W., A, Fullerton, CA
Fink, William J., A, Porterville, CA
Fisher, Eugene H., A, Oakland
Fletcher, Elizabeth, HE, Portland
Fletcher, George A., A, Hood River
Foster, Lyle W., C, Portland
Freeborn, Jean, C, Washington, DC
Frewing, Darroll K., A, Tigard

Gabler, Elizabeth, VE, Portland
Gallaher, Estelle M., HE, Corvallis
Geren, John, E, Scotts Mills
Gilbert, Theodore D., BA, Albany
Gillanders, Dorothy Fern, Education, Woodburn
Gleason, E. J., Education, Portland
Gleason, Myron, C, Corvallis
Godman, John, EE, Portland
Goodwin, Ruth, VE, Portland
Gordon, Delpha Mary, HE, Portland
Goss, W. Alling, Jr., C, Portland
Gray, Robert I., P, Corvallis
Gregory, Lester J., C, Molalla
Gregory, Maurine O., VE, Newberg
Greves, Jack H., Mines, North Bend
Grover, Marion I., C, Fruitland, ID
Gustafson, Arthur, Education, Corvallis

Hagar, Marie V., HE, Roseburg
Halseth, C. J., E, Portland
Hammond, Thorne, BA, Portland
Hanselman, George Allen, VA, Portland
Hansen, Howard B., A, Terrebonne
Hartley, George W., BA, Portland
Harrang, Norman O., Ag. Engineering, Foster
Hart, Lucy E., C, Kerby
Harrison, Ruth, Education, Portland
Heil, Helen L., Education, Santa Ana, CA
Heise, Wesley C., C, Salem
Heinl, Lawrence F., ME, Lebanon
Held, Leonard E., C, Corvallis
Hess, Dorothy D., P, Portland
Hesse, Evelyn, Education, Hillsboro
Hocker, Robert A., Education, Corvallis
Homolac, Henry, F, Pasadena, CA
Hanley, William V., E, Portland
Horn, Louvera, Education, Salem
Hickox, Harlow, IA, Gaston
Huffman, Emmett V., BA, Ontario
Hunter, Byra M., HE, Corvallis
Hunt, Carmen Walrad, Education, Newport
Hunt, Fred L., ME, Keating
Hyatt, Hazel, HE, Pendleton
Hyslop, Sue, HE, Corvallis

Irving, Lois A., C, Wilbur
Isaacson, Malcolm, C, Santa Ana, CA
Ivie, Sally Helen, C, Portland

Jackson, Esther P., HE, Corvallis
Jacquot, Alfred A., CE, Bend
Jelinek, Betty A., C, Dallas
Jenks, Eleanor, Education, Albany
Jensen, Karl J., C, Bakersfield, CA
Johnson, Albert E., CE, San Bernardino, CA
Johnson, Charles J., E, Portland
Johnson, Harold M., E, Gresham
Johnson, Lawrence T., CE, Garden Home
Joy, Adena, Education, Ashland

Kann, George H., ME, Fall Creek
Karhuvaara, Edna, HE, Astoria
Katsoulis, Takis, A, Corvallis
Kauffman, Clara V., HE, Corvallis
Keema, Elwood J., Education, Sacramento, CA
Kehrli, John C., ME, Portland
Keist, Benjamin F., C, Richland
Keizer, Mabel, HE, North Bend
Kelley, George W., BA, Corvallis
Kerr, Maurice, Science, Corvallis
King, Edwin C., C, Corvallis
Kirkpatrick, Herbert L., BA, Long Beach, CA
Klapotz, Caroline, C, Albany
Koehler, Rova Kerley, HE, Eugene
Kofoid, Melvin J., EE, Portland
Kolle, Louise S., HE, Vancouver, BC
Kremers, Edward L., C, Portland
Kremers, Jessie, C, Portland

Labbe, Raymond E., C, Portland
Larrowe, Eugene, CE, Portland
Lawshe, Jay Earl, Jr., BA, Palo Alto, CA
Leach, Irene K., HE, Portland
LeMaster, Ruth Anna, Education, Corvallis
Lemmon, Owen K., A, Albany
Lewis, Herbert, Education, Rainier
Lidell, Harald V., C, Portland
Limacher, F. J., CE, Corvallis
Lloyd, Omar M., Education, Mosier
Loken, Keith, C, Oakland, CA
Lovegren, Lawrence A., IA, Portland
Lowe, Arthur L., C, Corvallis
Lund, Helen, Education, Corvallis
Lund, Valdemar H., E, Portland

MacDonald, Kenneth K., Chemistry, English, Multnomah
Mack, Herbert H., P, Huntington
MacKenzie, Gordon S., BA, Portland
Macklin, Helen J., Education, Pasadena, CA
MacLean, Elizabeth Dillon, Education, Corvallis
Manke, George H., EE, Medford
Mann, Magdalene, C, Portland
Marley, Ralph M., VE, Vancouver, WA
Marsden, Wallace F., C, Marshfield
Mather, Richard J., EE, Portland
McAdams, Margaret C., BA, Marysville, CA
McAllister, James, CE, Gresham
McBride, Dean B., P, Portland
McCarthy, Mary, C, Marshfield
McComber, Gordon, Buena Park, CA
McKnight, Elwood A., Education, Milton
McPherson, William, Horticulture Products, Portland
Meade, Alvin W., C, Corvallis
Meade, Lenore E., Education, Corvallis
Melanson, Marie, HE, Cornelius
Meola, Edmund A., A, Rocky Point, LI
Meredith, John P., C, Salem
Merrill, Frank I., C, Corvallis
Merryman, Margaret, Education, Corvallis
Mershon, Earl, ME, Corvallis
Metzler, Ruth, Education, Corvallis
Michael, Richard J., BA, Portland
Miller, Russell W., P, Portland
Millhollen, Nadine, Education, Corvallis
Mispley, Ruth L., Education, Sacramento, CA
Mitchell, Emmett R., A, Amity
Moe, Lester M., ME, Portland
Moore, Merle S., F, Eugene
Morgan, Donald, CE, Glendale
Morris, Mark M., A, Berkeley, CA
Mullin, M. William, BA, Portland
Myers, Carl E., BA, Condon

Nash, Merritt M., BA, Marshfield
Neale, William, VE, San Fernando, CA
Nisbet, Irma M., BA, Portland
Nock, Selwyn P., C, Oswego

O'Dell, Matthew Jennings, CE, Portland
Oglesby, Jean, C, Corvallis
Olds, Clarence Russell, A, Oregon City
Olson, Helen C., BA, Portland
Osborn, Joe D., C, Van Wert, OH

Parman, Janet, VE, Condon
Parrish, Ray L., P, Newberg
Patterson, Frances, Education, Albany
Paulson, Herbert W., E, Lewiston, ID
Perrin, William Roy, C, West Linn
Perry, Charles E., ME, Lakeview
Peterson, Alice, BA, Lakeview
Peterson, Lillian Evangelyn, VE, Portland
Phipps, John, C, Portland
Pickthall, Walter, C, Portland
Pietarila, Helen, BA. Astoria
Powers, Robert G., P, Albany
Price, Kenneth, A, Santa Ana, CA
Proebstel, Robert I., C, Haines
Purvine, Maud C., HE, North Bend
Purvis, Alice, C, Vale

Quirk, Charles John, E, Portland

Raasina, Esther E., HE, Astoria
Ramos, Jose Morales, ME, Corvallis
Rapraeger, Harold, F, Corvallis
Rasmussen, Donald J., Science, Salem
Rea, Dorothy E., HE, Hanford, CA
Redfield, Katherine M., C, Corvallis
Reedy, Taylor, Education, Los Angeles, CA
Reeves, G. Spencer, Education, Portland
Reed, Virginia, HE, Portland
Reid, George Melville, C, Ellensburg, WA
Reierstad, Rolf H., F, Portland
Reimers, Laurel A., HE, Marysville, CA
Reisner, Robert H., E, Portland
Renninger, Rita, HE, Albany
Rettman, Arthur, F, Portland
Reynolds, Charles K., CE, North Plains
Richter, Carlton, VE, Portland
Ricks, Estora, HE, Portland
Robinson, Clifford, C, Corvallis
Roe, Charles B., P, Hillsboro
Ropp, Evangelyn V., HE, Portland
Rose, Roland, ME, Portland
Roseberg, Floyd W., C, Tillamook
Roseberg, Vera R., HE, Tillamook
Rowland, Eniz, A, Silverton
Runciman, Leah, HE, Exeter, CA
Runion, Marguerite, VE, Portland

Sargent, Howard Irving, EE, Portland
Sauter, Dorothy, C, Portland
Sawtell, Earl, Education, The Dalles
Scanlan, Lloyd F., BA, Stockton, CA
Schloth, Willard, Education, Portland
Schneider, Robert M., Education, Corvallis
Schulze, Estelle F., HE, Albany
Schwartz, Margery C., VE, Oswego
Scott, Evelyn, HE, Corvallis
Shellenbarger, Marion Weston, CE, Portland
Shenker, Morris S., P, Portland
Shepard, Maurice, Education, Salem
Sherwood, Donald H., A, Nyssa
Sheythe, Martin Blair, Education, Corvallis
Shiak, Rose, C, __
Shumaker, Henry E., MiE, Portland
Seiganthale, Chris J., Education, Linnton
Sielicky, Sigmond, C, Portland
Sims, Barbara F., C, Los Angeles, CA
Sloper, Mildred Alma, HE, Independence
Smillie, James Dickson, Fine Arts, San Fernando, CA
Smith, Robert W., Science, Portland
Smith, James L., E, Portland
Smith, Lucile, C, Portland
Smith, Viva G., HE, Albany
Smullin, Joseph D., A, Parkdale
Smyth, Helen M., HE, Pasadena, CA
Southern, Verda E., Education, Portland
Southworth, Earl E., E, Seneca
Staples, Herbert Edward, F, Corvallis
Steel, David F., E, Portland
Steele, Gerald M., P, Albany
Stephens, Emma Jean, HE, Moro
Stevens, Ellis, C, Ashland
Stevenson, Mary E., Education, Portland
Stewart, Hugh J., F, Portland
Stockman, Richard C., CE, Baker
Stockwell, Gordon, P, Bend
Stranix, Jack T., CE, Silverton
Stuttaford, Charlotte, HE, Salem
Swedenburg, Eleanore, HE, Ashland

Tabke, Robert S., Industrial Chem., Astoria
Taggart, Charles A., A, Portland
Taylor, Waldo, BA, Portland
Thomas, Harold, A, Roseburg
Thompson, R. Stephen, A, Heppner
Thompson, Clark, Landscape Arch., Clackamas
Thorne, Betty, HE, Gresham
Thorne, Phyllis M., Education, Newberg
Tiedemann, Henry, F, Portland
Tormey, Louis P., C, Portland
Trollman, John, Jr., E, San Francisco, CA
Tupling, Charles G., E, Portland
Turnbull, William A., Jr., ME, Portland

Vance, Ruth, C, Corvallis
Van Valin, Herbert W., C, Newberg
Vennewitz, Edward R., CE, Portland

Wagner, Tom B., EE, Milwaukie
Wallin, Lewis K., Education, Portland
Warnke, Ruth E., Education, Boise, ID
Weber, Bernhard W., ME, Portland
Weis, Edgar A., EE, Corvallis
Wells, Bruce A., EE, Salem
Wessela, Conrad P., Technical Forestry, Scottsburg
West, Robert L., Science, Corvallis
Whepley, Ruth, HE, Lemon Cove, CA
Whiteis, Helen C., C, Prineville
Whitlock, Gladys, C, Corvallis
Widlund, Elva M., HE, Turlock, CA
Wilbur, Norman Richard, C, Salem
Wiley, Wilson S., C, Klamath Falls
Williams, Brinley, P, Corvallis
Williams, Helen L., Education, Corvallis
William, George F., CE, Portland
Williamson, Daisy, C, Hayward, CA
Willison, Herbert, F, Portland
Wilson, Howard E., CE, Beaverton
Winkelman, Paul F., E, Portland
Wohlgemuth, Harold M., A, Newberg
Wood, Julia Esther, HE, Salem
Wood, R. Vincent, A, Corvallis
Woodcock, Darwin W., C, Corvallis
Wright, Joe H., A, Klamath Falls
Wright, Isabel, Education, Portland
Wright, Kenneth Sheldon, ME, Portland

Yeates, Jess, Education, Corvallis
Yerkovich, Simon, EE, Portland
Young, Clair, C, Ione

Zaretsky, Oscar H., P, Corvallis
Zimmerman, Oswalk, E, Portland

Edgar M. DeSpain, '28
John H. Logan, '28
Clarence C. Dickson, '10
D. C. Howard, '14
Loretta Becker McBride, '21
Harold Merriman, '32
Helen McFadden Kocken, '14
Dorothy Linklater Covell, '24
Katherine Strome Gibson, '19
Gertrude Settergren Doheny, '32
Lucile Gilbert, '32
Ray A. Needham, '14
Bess Marie Payne, '27
Charles W. Morris, '04
Gladys Fawver, '28
Fred Rucker, '33
George B. Hovenden, '33

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