Baker County, Oregon Biographies

Written in 1898

Dr. J. P. Atwood

     A well-known and popular physician of Baker City, and one whose kind attentive treatment of the sick and geniality of manner towards the well have made him deservedly the favorite of all classes, has made this city his home for many years. He began the practice of his profession before he was twenty-four, having been a graduate of the Medical Department of the Willamette University, also of the Medical Department of Columbia College, of Newark.
He for many years did most of the surgical work of what is now Baker and Malheur Counties, and a portion of Union, being an indefatigable worker, and a master of his profession. 
     At present he occupies the position of chief of staff of St. Elizabeth's Hospital, with credit to himself and the institution.

I. H. McCord

     I. H. McCord, County Recorder of Baker County, and one of the most popular young men in it, was born in Idaho, in 1866. He came to Baker County at an early age with his parents, and received his education in the academy located here at that time. After leaving school he entered the employ of S. B. McCord, and remained with him for a period of ten years. Then he accepted a position as book-keeper of the "Virtue" mine, and remained there several years. He then established himself in the blacksmithing business, a

trade be had mastered while working for S. B. McCord. In 1890 he was nominated for County Recorder, and on its record as a public official he has again received the nomination for the same office on the Union ticket.  As a public official he has not only won the esteem but the confidence of all with whom he comes in contact

M. E. Swan

     The present efficient Clerk of Baker County, is a man who stands high among his constituents, and is the fortunate possessor of a host of warm personal friends, who in their admiration of his numerous sterling qualities, would make almost any sacrifice to enhance his success. He was born within the borders of the Empire State, New York, in 1857. In 1881 he came to Baker County and was engaged in placer mining in the Mormon Basin, for two years. He then entered the employ of P. Basche & Co., and finally became
head salesman. In 1892 he left their employ to become engaged in the plumbing and steam fitting business under the firm style of Swan & Colt. Meeting with an unfortunate accident which resulted in the loss of the active use of his right hand, he had to quit business. In 1890 he was elected County Clerk, and has been re-nominated again oil the Union ticket

James T. Wisdom ~ Willow Grove Farm

     The accompanying cut is reproduced from a snap-shot taken on Willow Grove Farm, the property of James T. Wisdom, who has earned quite a reputation as a breeder of Short Horn cattle. His place, which is probably the best improved one in the county, is located six stiles northwest of Baker City, and consist of 311 acres of choice land adapted to raising both hay and grain. It has five running streams of water on it, and one could not possibly find a more suitable place for the purpose for which it is used. Our cut hardly does justice to the house and barn, the former having ten rooms on a stone basement, the latter it palatial affair, with a capacity of 50 head of stock. Mr. Wisdom is a firm believer in the staying qualities of the Short Horn, both for beef and butter, staking it the best all purpose cattle extant, and is devoting his time to them alone. His herd are all thoroughbred, being either registered or eligible to registry. He is also a large property owner in Baker City and has always shown a disposition to assist materially in any enterprise looking to the welfare of our growing city.

DR. E. Davis

     There is probably in Baker City today no man more popular in his profession than Dr. E. Davis. His popularity is well merited for he is not only gifted with most winning manners, but with unexcelled skill in his profession. Dr. Davis is a native son, having been born in Eugene in 1866. He moved with his parents to Eastern Washington, then returned to Monmouth, Polk county, in 1882, and attended the State Normal School till 1885. He then

took up the study of dentistry under Dr. I. T. Mason, of Dallas, Polk county, remaining with him a year. He then established himself in Lafayette, where he remained until the removal of the county seat in 1888. He then spent some time traveling for the benefit of his health, and afterwards located at Ashland where he associated himself with Drs. A. C. Colwell. and S. C. Poise. Less than two years ago he moved to Baker City, and his practice has been all he could wish for. Starting in well, it has grown until now he has all he attend to. He is married to Miss Lena L. Diers, of Monmouth and has two sons.

J. B. Griswold

     The subject of this sketch, who today is considered one of the solid men of Baker County, and who possesses the well-merited confidence and esteem of its citizens was born in White Hall, New York, in 1857. At the age of 2l he moved to Baker City and until 1884 clerked for several different mercantile firms here. He then opened a harness shop, and from time to time has added new lines until today he is carrying line of the largest stocks in the state While
his success in a measure may be due to the settling up of the surrounding country, it is still more attributable to the manner in which he has conducted his business.
     Starting out on the live and  let live principle, he has by courteous and fair treatment built up a trade that is a credit to his judgment. He has always been the originator of low prices, and the large trade he enjoys is but the natural result. His stock from a careful inspection seems complete in every wary. To enumerate the various articles carried would take more space than we have in this volume, but we can condense it by truthfully saying that the intending purchaser can find there anything from a needle to a threshing machine. In clothing, boots and slices, dry goods and furnishing goods we find his stock to be one of unusual merit, and in groceries his line is not even second to that of an exclusive grocery house. Every thing is arranged in departments, each one virtually a store by itself. The stock is well displayed on shelves and tables and though its prodigality is such as to consume most of the floor space, there is room enough for the most searching inspection. In harness and saddles, he carries an unusually heavy stock, this department being under the management of M. W. Ryland, an experienced mechanic. He is sole agent for the celebrated Studebaker wagon, the name of which speaks for itself. He is a very heavy buyer and shipper of grain, which he stores in his warehouse, and also handles from two to four thousand cords of wood a year. That Mr. Griswold is a man of enterprise and has faith in the future of our town is shown in the fact of his haying lately erected the Sagamore hotel, which is considered one of the leading hotels it Eastern Oregon.

C. M. Foster

     No official in Baker County enjoys the confidence of its citizen, to a greater extent than does C. M. Foster, county surveyor surveyor. He has held the office for twenty years and is more popular today, than when first elected. Mr. Foster was burn in Vermont in 1835, receiving his education in a public academy. Later taking a scientific and mathematical course at Barre Vermont.

     He came West to 1858, locating in Iowa, for two years, following his profession its civil engineer and surveyor, doing railroad work. Crossing the plains he reached California in 1859, locating in Yuba and Shasta counties, where he followed his profession, mining at intervals. In February, 1861, he came to Portland, Oregon, and was connected with the Indian Department for a year under Supervision of E. R. Geary. In 1862 and  located at Auburn and has been a resident of the county ever since. Coming to Baker City in 1871. He was elected clerk at the first election held in the county, and has held a number of offices, such as councilman and so forth. He is a member of Baker City Lodge No. 25, I. O. O. F., and Eleazer Encampment No. 7. No. 7.

Dr. Carleton W. Faull

     Among the young men of this state who have within the past few years, entered the ranks of the medical profession, none have brighter indication of success than does he whose name heads this sketch. He is energetic, industrious and ambitious. These qualities, combined with the advantages derived from an excellent education, unusual capacities and a high sense of honor will soon place him among the foremost ranks of his profession. He
was born in Walla Walla, August 26, 1872. Accompanying his parents here, he received his preliminary education in the public school and in the Brothers' college.
     In 1887, he entered the Bishop Scott Academy at Portland. There he remained four years. Returning to Baker City, an accepted a position in the hardware club establishment of P. Basche, where be remained until the fall of 1893. He then entered the Medical Department of the Oregon State University and graduated with the class of 1896. Going to San Francisco he took a post graduate course in time polyclinic, and since his return here has practiced his profession. He is on the stuff of St. Elizabeth's Hospital. Fraternally he is a Scottish Rite Mason, Elk, Knight and Red Man.

Davis Wilcox

     Among the lending merchants of the county. Davis Wilcox, of Haines, occupies a well deserved position. He has been established there since 1887, being associated with his brother, L. T. Wilcox, until 1893, since which time he has conducted the business alone. He is at present carrying a complete line of general merchandise, farming instruments, lumber, cord wood and grain being a very heavy handler of the last named commodity. His store,

which is 42x70, two stories, is well filled with any article the farmer may want, it being Mr. Wilcox's aim to cater to their needs, and in this we believe he has been successful.    
     He is a native of Wisconsin, and in 1872, at the age of 13, with his parents, settled in the Willamette Valley, receiving his education at the public schools and in Pacific University, at Forest Grove. He is an apt illustration of the progressive clement of young manhood which has brought Baker County to the front.

Dr. E. Gagen

     Is one of the most successful physicians in Baker County, and an honored citizen of Haines. He is one of those happy, good-natured men that we occasionally find in the professional ranks, and who, when we meet them, infuse new vim and vigor into one's self by some mysterious magnetic power, not visible, but none the less effective. Born in Dublin. Ireland. June 1, 1858, he received his professional education in the Royal College of Surgeons and King and Queen College of Physicians, graduating in 1880. He then entered the service of the Royal Mall Steamship Co., remaining a year. Moving to the United States, he located at Sabetha, Kansas, practicing there with signal success for five years. During this time he served as a member of the board of pension examiners, having been appointed under both President Arthur's and Cleveland's administrations. In 1887 he moved to Oregon, locating at Heppner, remaining there nearly eight years. Moving then to Baker County, he has since practiced at Haines. He is married to Miss Geraldine Clark, of Heppner, and his home. which Is the model of refinement, is the center of it large and warm circle of friends.

Wellington E. Hurd

     Is another of our representative men who was born in Ohio, and possesses that energy and vim characteristic of a native of that grand commonwealth. Leaving home at the age of sixteen he was employed for a year with the Adams Express Co. at St. Louis. He then went to Chicago, and accepted a position with J. I. Case Co. as traveling representative and remained with them for twenty years. He was connected with Slaver & Walker, of Portland,
for the next six years. In 1895 he became interested in mining, and has remained in that business since.  He has a number of fine properties in different sections, one, the Tempest, lying in the Greenhorn district. From this he has lately shipped five cars of ore, three to Everett and two to Tacoma, which brought him in returns of $53.65 per ton. This ore came out of tunnel No. 1 in a regular way. This tunnel is in 300 feet, No. 2 being 65 feet, and No, 3, 50 feet. The ledge is five feet wide, and runs from 40 to 85 feet in depth. Some of his other properties in this same district the Potosi, Mountain Conn, Silver Crown, and Empire, are equally rich or even more so, as from the latter he has taken ore which on being shipped to Everett has netted him $155.65 a ton. He is doing considerable development work on his properties, and as they all run from $8.00 to $12.00 free milling gold on the surface, and run more into base as he goes further down, he is figuring on erecting a 20 ton stamp mill. Mr. Hard has always taken an active interest in the future of the mines of this section, lending every aid possible to their advancement.

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