The Little Chieftain
Contributed by Jim Reavis
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Supplement to the Record Chieftain, July 2, 1925
The Little Chieftain is composed wholly of extracts taken from old numbers of the Wallowa Chieftain to which headings and occasional explanatory notes have been added by the editors. The purpose of the publication is to give people of the present a glimpse into life in Enterprise and Wallowa county a generation ago. The work has been compiled with much care by David B. Reavis and J. Harley Horner.
Lost Boy Is Found After Several Days
June 9,1809
Last Monday at about 2 O’Clock Aaron Olmated aged 7 years started to go from his father’s band of sheep to the camp on the head of Davis Creek, and although the herder watched him until he was in sight of the barn, the little fellow lost his bearings and he was not seen again until he walked up thru Good Cowica’ field on lower Swamp Creek at noon Thursday. As soon as word reached town that the boy was lost, everybody who could get away started to help find him. Wednesday and Thursday there were at least 150 or 200 men searching all over the country from the head of Davis Creek to beyond Red Fir Springs on the Flora road. His tracks were found down Davis Creek at several points by nothing could be seen of the boy.
A Chieftain representative called at Mr. Humphrey’s where he was taken to his mother and saw him lying in bed and not suffering any except from a desire to eat. He was perfectly rational and told his mother in answer to questions that he was along Davis Crook most of the time, and passed over the hill to another creek (Swamp Creek).
That he went to bed at night under big fir trees and slept until morning, but he had to get up early and travel because it was so cold. His shoes which were nearly new when he left were worn full of holes, and his other clothes were badly worn and torn. He said he had had nothing to eat while he had been gone, and begged pitifully for something to eat. He was very pale and thin as tho he had just recovered from a long spell of sickness. The joy of his father and mother can be imagined when they received the glad news that he was alive and well.
Bids for County Seat
June 30, 1885
Crow Creek Items: We cordially invite those persons who are desirous of locating the county seat on Bennett’s Flat (now Enterprise) to come over before laying the corner stone and take a squint at our smiling little valley.
Bucks of Rocking Chair
July 30,
If we are inland we have circuses sometimes all the same. On Monday there was one in front of our office with a free street parade thrown in. Mrs. Nellie Roberts, (Mrs. J. P. Averill) tied a rocking chair on the back of a horse to pack it home. The horse soon discovered that the chair was tied too tight for a rocking gait and he proceeded to rock with his body by standing first on his head and then on his haunches. He was not as well trained as he might has been but he rocked that chair to pieces in less than three minutes.
Ordinary Trout Fishing
May 7, 1897
Trout fishing is all the go at present. A catch of 200 or 300 is very ordinary for a day’s sport.
Kill a Pet Badger in a Mighty
July 23, 1897
Last Sunday evening Messrs. Bater, David Reavis and Frank Johnson, started out for a ride over the Alder Slope on their bicycles. They arrived at the L. L. Hambelton place safely and had proceeded but a short distance further when they were confronted by a badger that was sturdily making its way toward them. It showed no signs of deviating from its course so these “Knights of the Iron Steed” immediately dismounted and prepared to give battle.
They searched all over the road for a rock and not finding one, Johnson with great presence of mind grabbed a rail off the fence and gallantly running to the front to defend his friends, laid low the mighty badger with two well directed blows. By this time the women and children at Hambelton’s came out to see what the disturbance was about, and Bater hastened to inform them that they had killed a badger.
Immediately there was “weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth” and cries of “You’ve killed our pet badger:” “You’ve killed our pet badger.” The boys had quite a time explaining their mistake and squaring” themselves with the good people of Alder Slope.
April 23, 1897
Imnaha? Andy Beckelbamer, Mickel Stubblefield, H. N. Vaughn, and John Bare have gone to Enterprise to attend court.
From O.E.S. Chapter in
March 16, 1897
John Vert of Pendleton, Grand Patron of
the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star, came in on Monday and in the
evening Instituted Wallowa Valley Chapter No. 50 O.E.S. with 25
charter members, under a dispensation granted by the Grand Chapter
of Oregon. The following officers were chosen and duly installed.
Worthy Matron, Mrs. Bater
Worthy Patron, F. A. Reavis
Associate Matron, Mrs. E. W. Steel.
Conductress, Mrs. Holmes.
Associate Conductress, Mrs. J. C. Conley
Secretary, Ida Funk
Treasurer, Mrs. Forsythe
Warder Mrs. Woratell
Sentinel, W. H. Holmes
Ada, Anna Smith
Huth, Lillian Boswell
Esther, Minnie Reavis
Martha, Mrs. Ethel Funk
Electa, Mrs. Calvin
After the installation, the Grand Patron spent some time in
instructing the Chapter is the beautiful ritual of the order. All
members seemed well pleased and no doubt
The Chapter will flourish and be a working force is all charitable and social matters of the town and community.
G.A.R. Elect Offers
Dec. 17, 1897
John F. Reynolds Post G. A. R. met in
their hall last Saturday and elected the following officers:
Commander: M. Beal
Sr. Vice-Commander? John Rankin
Jr. Vice-Commander: A. E. Flowers
Quartermaster: J. P. Gardner
Chaplain: Chas. R. Pratt
O. of the D: Henry Beecher
O. of the G: Lyman Chapman
Delegate to the State Encampment: J. P. Gardner
Alternate: A. C. Smith
Adjutant: John Zarcher.
Strong Ball Team Will Meet
July 2, 1897
One of the most attractive and interesting features of the celebration at the place this year will be the game of ball between Alicel and Enterprise nines. The Alicel team is the recognized amateur champion of Union County and the champion team of Wallowa County. The Enterprise team is at a disadvantage on account of not practicing long enough. All the member of the team are old players but have not played together enough to all work in unison.
However it will be one of the most stubbornly contested games ever played in Wallowa County. The personnel of the Enterprise team is as follows: Scott Henderson, catcher: F. M McCally, pitcher: G. M. Henderickson, 1st base: John Hoskins, 2nd base Carl Rae, 3rd base: Vera Vest, shortstop: Clarence Luttrell, left field: Wm. Luttrell, center field: Ray Vest, right field.
Spends Week at Lake
June 20, 1885
A pleasure party consisting of Mrs. Holmes, accompanied by her sons, Fred, Geo. And W., and Miss Sullivan. Principal of Ascension School, Miss Laughten, music teacher of Ascension School, Mrs. L. Paine, all of Cove, and Mrs. Veasey and W. W. White of Alder passed a week at the head of the lake enjoying the grand scenery and pure air and water. The culinary department was managed by Tieuw, Chinaman, who very faithfully and artistically prepared the food for the party, and all hungry looking persons who came about the camp.
Program Given By Literary
Dec 21, 1899
Following is the program for the literary.
Friday evening, Dec 29.
Guitar and Mandolin Quartette, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Reaves, Miss
Wasson, and Mr. Calvin.
Recitation, Mertie Bloom
Recitation, Lee Weaver.
Solo, Lucy Luttrell.
Four Minute Talk, J. A. Burleith.
Male Quartette, Chas. Zureher, Dr. Ault, Geo. Hendrickson and
Rev. Crawford.
Recitation, Wm. McFetridge.
Solo, Mrs. F. A. Clarke.
Recitation, Myra Cottingham
Solo, Gertrude Brusha.
Recitation, Brenton Stubblefield.
Horn Quartette, Musers. Bater, Calvin, Vest and Reavis.
Debate: Resolved; That Trusts and monopolies of wealth should
be prohibited by law. Aff., G. M. Hendrickson and Lee C. Henderson.
Neg. Dr. Temple, F. A. Clarke.
Davidhizar Buys Ranch.
Nov. 3, 1899
Ole Miller of Prairie Creek sold his ranch last week consisting of 528 acres to Mr. Davidhizer of Indiana. The consideration was 6,008.00. In addition to the land 52 head of cattle and 8 head of horses went with the place.
C. T. McDaniel of Wallowa made the City
Mar. 5 1897
The election Monday resulted in the election of S. E. Combes, Mayor; F. A. Reavis, recorder; G. M. Hendrickson, treasurer; John Calvin, J. F. Bator, E. V. Johnson and W. J. Funk, councilmen.
Honor “Uncle Billy” on 74th
Nov. 3, 1889
Quite a number of the friends of W. K. Stubblefield gathered at his home on Tuesday to celebrate the anniversary of his 74th birthday. Among the number was Judge D. B. and Uncle Joe Reaves, Sheriff French, Attorney Lake, G. W. Hyatt, L. J. Russe, Harry and Weed Steel, W. H. Hembelton and wife, Mickel Stubblefield and wife, and many others whose names we did not learn.
“Uncle Billy” as he is familied called was born in East Tennessee, principally raised in Missouri and is a true type of a hardy Western pioneer and bears his age remarkably well.
After a most elegant and bountiful dinner the party spent some hours in pleasant conversation before departing for their homes, all wishing Mr. Stubblefield many happy returns of the day.
District School Meeting
March 5, 1897
The annual school meeting for the Enterprise District No. 21 was held in the school house Monday afternoon. A reading of the minutes showed the number of children between the ages of four and twenty years to be 167. The indebtedness of the district outside of building school house, $316.00 Amount expended on the school house $3641.18.
W. J. Funk was elected director and Frank
Johnson Clerk for the ensuing term.
School Report Is Made by Two Rooms
March 12, 1897
Enterprise Public School, District No. 21, for month ending Feb. 20,
Room No. 1
Total number pupils enrolled, 57.
Average Daily Attendance, 52.
Number of visitors, 19.
The following named pupils were present every day during the
Edwin Bloom, Warren Forsythe, John Wortman, Leo Forsythe, Merrill
Henderson, Chas. Bloom, Lee Calvin, Paul Wilson, Geo. Funk, Walter
Evans, Harvey Baker, Erastus Hansen, Emily Berland, Mattie Imbler,
Gussie Reavis, Bertha Rutter, May Cottingham, Grace Allon, Essie
Bater, Hattie Busch, Hana Calvin, Jessie Imbler, Merite Bloom,
Bertha Bloom, Lucy Luttrell, and Mamie Johnson.
Room No. 2
Total enrollment, 52.
Average daily attendance, 45.
The following pupils were neither tardy or absent during the
Cressie Reavis, Eula Forsythe, Gall Gardner, Maggie Cottingham,
Mollie Bloom, Eddie Bloom, Cordus Dale, Alta Davis, Louis Bloom,
Ralph Baker, Hugh Riley, and Everett Stubblefield.
Those who received the highest grades at the monthly
examination were: Gertrude Brusha, 98 percent; Inez Makin, 96
percent; Cressie Reaves 95 percent; Ida Bater, 93 percent; Mary
Zurcher, 90 percent; Mable Wilson, 89 percent; Otho Makia, 87
Junior Endeavor Program.
April 16, 1897
Easter program by the Junior Endeavor at 7:30 p.m. April 13. Sang by three little girls, recitation by Lytton Ivanhoe, song by Endeavor, recitation by Paul Rutter, solo by Gertrude Brusha, recitation by Alfred Gardner, Salvation Army by five little boys, solo by Essie Bater, penny offering by eight little girls, recitation by Carrie Wasson, song by Endeavor, recitation by Bertha Rutter, cross exercise by nine girls, recitation by Eula Forsythe, solo by Julia Henderson, recitation by Mary Zurcher, recitation by Forest Ivanhoe, duet by Grace Allen and Gussie Reavis, recitation by Essie Bater, recitation by Daisy Wasson, song entitled Easter Bells, recitation Nellie Brusha, Appeal from foreign lands by ten children.
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The Enterprise House was the first hotel erected in the new town. It was put up in 1887, the year the town was founded, and burned four years later. The site was the northwest corner of River and Greenwood streets. There was mystery in the fire that destroyed the hotel. Among those in the picture are Jeff Owabey, publisher of one of the various newspapers that lived and died in the pioneer town. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Meck, |
Albert Reavis and J. C. Conaway. At the time the picture was taken, Mr. Conaway was in charge of the hotel. He was a member of the firm of Conaway & Wilson, who had a store where the Enterprise hotel now stands. J. V. Luitrell was last proprietor of the Enterprise House. The photograph was taken by Norris, who had a gallery here then. |