More Little Chieftain
Contributions from Jim Reavis
Hodgin Plans Academy
July 29,1899
Prof. J. S. Hodgin has secured sufficient encouragement and has concluded to open an Academy in Enterprise on Sept. 4. There is no reason why such an institution could not be made permanent, and we hop that Mr. Hodgin will find it to his advantage to do so. We made a mistake in another column by stating that the Prof. Is a graduate of McMinnville. He is a graduate of Pacific University at Forest Grove, this state, and a post graduate of Stanford University in California.
Market Reports
March 19, 1897
Wheat; 59 cents a bushel
Barley; 60 cents per cwt.
Oats; 45 cents per cwt.
Hay; $4 to $5 per ton.
Bran; $10 per ton
Wood; $3 per cord
Apples;1 ½ costs per pound
Eggs; 10 cents per dozen
Flour; $2.50 and $4 per barrel
Wool; 7 to 11 cents per pound
Cattle (Chicago) $3.65 to $4.90
Hogs (Chicago) #3.45 to $3.90
Sheep (Omaha) $3.20 to $3.90
See County Richest in Copper
and Gold
June 16, 1899
Union County leads all the counties in Oregon in copper possibilities. In fact it is the only copper county in Oregon. Union’s gold and copper fields are bound to be ahead in the race. Union Republican.
Not too fast Bro. Davis. Wait until you hear from Wallowa county. Her recently discovered copper fields bid fair to surpass anything in Oregon. Gold is also being found in good quantities. Mining men are beginning to find out that a new Eldorado live in Wallowa County, and the next few years will witness a mining boom within her borders.
Form Baseball League
April 21, 1899
The delegates from the different towns met at Wallowa last Saturday and completed the organization of the county base ball league. The officers elected are as follows: president, J. P. Morlock; vice president, F. F. McCully; secretary, O. F. Mays. Two directors from each town were chosen as follows; Wallowa, J. P. Morelock and C. A. Hunter; Lostine, O. F. Mays and G. E. McCully; Joseph, Gen. Mack and F. F. McCully; Enterprise, Carl Roe and D. S. Gardner.
The schedule of games was not completed, but it was decided to begin a series of games on May 1st. Meanwhile Wallowa will play a return game at Enterprise and Lostine and Joseph will organize and play a practice game.
Name Two Tickets For City
Feb. 19, 1897
Citizens Ticket
The citizens of Enterprise met pursuant to call last Saturday afternoon and nominated the following candidates for the city offices;
Mayor: J. P. Gardner
Councilmen: C. H. Zurcher, E. V. Johnson J. F. Bater, W. J. Funk
Recorder; Carl Roe
Marshall; J. W. Dale
Treasurer; W. P. Hambelton
The Silver Ticket
The Populists met last Saturday and nominated the following candidates for the county offices:
Mayor; S. E. Combes
Councilmen; J. K. Lawler, L. Graves, Jacob Divine, John Calvin
Recorder; F. A. Reavis
Marshal; Levi Riley
Treasurer; G. M. Hendrickson
Railroad Certain Down Snake
Sept. 8, 1899
There is certain to be a railroad down the Snake river in the near future. The question now of interest to Wallowa county is whether it will cross over a small divide at the head of McGraw creek and go down the Imnaha saving 15 or 20 miles in the distance, or stay with Snake River the entire distance.
The former route will be of great benefit to the whole county, while the latter will not be of any benefit at all. By coming down the Imnaha two groups of mines will be passed, besides the fertile valley along the Imnaha, in which the best fruit in the world is raised and where the best beef cattle in the world are fattened.
Indian is Silent, Whiskey
Case Fails
Sept. 17, 1897
Chas. Estes, lately appointed deputy United States marshal, arrested a Mr. Douglas last Wednesday for selling whiskey to an Indian at Joseph. He brought his man to Enterprise and lodged him in jail. His preliminary examination was begun Thursday morning about 11 o’clock before U. S. Commissioner A. C. Smith, J. F. Baker conducting the prosecution.
Dick Sampson (Indian) would not testify when it came to a show down as he had told Estes and Baker that he would. Estes testified that he saw Douglas give Dick a bottle of whiskey last Sunday but Dick would not corroborate Estes so he said he would do and the case was dismissed for lack of evidence.
May 21, 1897
The horse that formerly belonged to Fitzhugh, the bank robber, has been making things lively for some of the men on the horse roundup. He is, as was his master, a hard case.
Dance At Anatone Disturbed by
Sept. 8, 1899
Anatone, Wash., Sept. 1—At a dance last evening, held to celebrate the completion of the Inland Telephone Company line to this place from Asotin, a disturbance occurred between Guy Parker, of Asotin, and Press Montgomery, of Wallowa, Oregon. Parker received several bad stabs in the fleshy part of the left leg near the groin, and one stab is the back of the neck..
He was unconscious for awhile. He was carried into the hotel and word was sent to Dr. J. B. Morrison, of Lewiston, who arrived a few hours later and dressed the wounds. While one of the wounds is very bad, the Dr. intimated that, with perfect quiet and proper nursing, the chances were favorable for the patient pulling through all right. Sheriff Wormell went to the scene of the trouble, but Montgomery had skipped out.
Hack Goes In River In Wallowa
April 16, 1897
A party of Wallowa people, including Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, Mrs. Gene Holmes and Master Holmes had a narrow escape in the Wallowa canyon last Monday. They were enroute homeward in a hack and when near a place in the canyon known as Cape Horn, the team shied around a small slide of earth in the road. On the lower side was the swift current of the Wallowa river.
In some unaccountable manner all of the occupants escaped being thrown into the stream, but the back was overturned in ten feet of water and all the baggage and supplies they had with them were carried down the stream. Those who know what the current of the Wallowa river is and the character of the place described can realize what a narrow escape it was.
Outing at the Lake
May 14, 1897
A party consisting of Mrs. J. F. Bater, Mrs. David Reavis, Misses Ida and Essie Bater, and Messrs. Bater, David and Frank Reavis Vorla, Hedger, Harry and Wood Steel, Arthur Samms, Clark and Roe spent last Sunday at the lake. The day was ideal. After partaking of an elegant lunch, all of the party except four embarked in the Sail boat. Undine, and swept back and forth across the lake, while the four person on the shore rolled large rocks from the top of the hill into the lake for the amusement of the whole party. No better place for a short or long outing can be found on the Pacific Coast.
G. A. R. Encampment.
June 16, 1899
J. A. Rumble and W. A. McCully, of the committee of general arrangements for the coming G. A. R. encampment were in town Monday. The grounds are being pot in ship shape and arrangements are being made to accommodate the large number of people expected on that occasion.
New Buildings Tell of Growth
in 1899
Sept 8, 1899
During a little more than a year past, Enterprise has experienced a very healthy growth. A number of substantial citizens have taken up their residences among us, some business changes have occurred to our advantage and a few new buildings have been added. Some of the latter are the residences of g. W. Hyatt, Frank Reavis, Will Luttrell (now owned by Dr. Ault), S. E. Combes, J. A. Burleigh and E. J. Forsythe; the new Christian church, the fine stone building almost completed for E. R. Bowlby, and a neat residence now in course of construction for G. S. Reavis. Additions have been made to the store of W. J. Funk and Sons and to the Ott Brewery.
Toll Road in Canyon
July 30, 1885
The County Court crawfished on the
Wallowa canyon road and made it a toll road again.
F. Wiles says that if he can’t get cash for his kite he is
going to pack them with the river trout that he is catching and ship
the whole business.
Dr. Rinehart and family of Summerville, Miss Cooper of Dallas, Miss Maggie Armstrong of Portland, Mr. J. and Miss Fannie Paton, F. B. Collins, Ed Martin, Turner Oliver, Miss Emma Hug, Miss Millie Collins of Summerville, and Miss Cora Samma (Mrs. W. W. White) of Alder, passed a few days last week at the head of the lake fishing, boat riding and sight seeing.
S. L. McKenzie and Dr. Clemens of Summerville are in the Hurricane Creek mountains prospecting. There will be much gold purged from the bowels of these mountains judging from the great interest that Doctors are taking in diagnosticating the symptoms.
Dec. 21, 1899
Marriage Licenses were issued to Delbert Homan and Jessie Emmons of Enterprise; M. O. Courtney and Katie? Biggs of Lostine; and D. N. Estes and Dona Brackett of Grouse.
Choice Steers Sell for $2.50
Per Cwt.
Sept. 17, 1897
Last Wednesday N. C. Longfellow received 433 head of cattle, mostly steers from G. S. Craig, Warnock Bros., T. A. Reavis, J. W. McAlister and others. From the weights it appears that this is the finest bunch of cattle truned out of Wallowa County for some time; 170 head of steers belonging to Geo. Craig weighed 226,500 pounds, an average of 1265 pounds. One steer alone tipped the scales at 1740 lbs.
The bunch of steers, 417 in number weighed 496,610 lbs. Longfellow purchased them for $2.50 per hundred with 4 percent shrinkage and in turn sold them for $2.00 without shrinkage to Hill and Anderson. The cattle were started for Elgin Thursday morning
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First House in Enterprise In the summer of 1887, A. M. Wagner erected the first house in Enterprise, a square, two-story residence in excellent condition, In the southeast part of town. At the time, the I. C. M. & M. company had just announced its intention of putting a store on Hennett Flat, as the site of the town was called. Mr. Wagner suggested the name Enterprise which was adopted a year or so later. |
John Zurcher and R. F. Stubblefield platted the town of Wallowa City. June 20,1887 and June 14, 1888, filed another plat changing the name to Enterprise. The name Wallowa City was not accepted by the government as a post office named Wallowa had been established previously. |
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A. M. Wagner
A. M. Wagner arrived at Bennett Flat Oct. 20, 1886, and in the following year built the first permanent residence in town and erected the structure used as the first school house. When Mr. Wagner came here, John Zurcher had a log cabin on his claim and R. F. Stubblefield had a shanty on his.