Little Chieftain News
Contributions from Jim Reavis
Suffers Partial Sunstroke
August 13, 1897
Aaron Wade suffered a partial sunstroke last Saturday. He was almost blind for the time and was very sick. He was in town in the afternoon and wanted to go home but was prevented by his friends who kept him here until the cool at the evening
Aug. 4, 1899
An English and Classical School modeled after the New England Academies.
Begins Sept. 4. Terms reasonable.
Circulars sent on application
Enterprise, Oregon
Editorial Comment, June 23, 1898
It is a most disgusting sight to people of common sense to see a lot of young girls and sometimes young women hanging around criminals and lawbreakers as tho they were heroes rather than vultures preying upon the Indulgence of the law. That you women of this town should get such ideas into their heads is still more disgusting. It is generally supposed that women always look with disapproval upon lawlessness, but there seems to be a few, who by their maneuvers, manifest, sympathy with the man who has committed a crime, and thus give lawlessness their approbation. The mothers of these girls should be made acquainted with the movements of their daughters, especially when they get so “foxy” as to dance the skirt dance in plain sight of passers by.
June 30, 1885
Wm. McCormack of Alder states that his hay will go three tons to the acre.
F. D. McCully and the editor of this paper passed Saturday evening and Sunday on the lake in F. D.’s new sail boat. They had a very pleasant excursion but as far as F. D. and the editor are concerned, the fish still enjoy themselves to the lake.
July 23,1885
The red fish are still arriving at the lake in small schools. One reason that the run is not large is because there are so many traps in the river below here.
Miss Edith Bellinger, who has been stopping the past few weeks at T. H. Veasey’s at alder, returned to her home in Portland on Wednesday’s stage.
Benj. Boswell of near Alder is making some excellent cheese.
A number of Couer d’Alene minors passed thru town last Saturday on their way to the Pine Valley mines. They came by the Lewiston trail.
Born: To the wife of Geo. C. Russell, of Swamp Creek, on July 1, 1896, a son.
Gives Onions to Editor
Aug. 13, 1885
Luke Booth of the Imnaha presented to
this office a few onions on the Yellow Denver variety that measure
from 15 to 18 inches in circumference.
The largest trout catch was on Monday, by Wm. Briggs and Nat
Hamilton, in the river below town. The former caught 82 and the
later 71.
Lucinda Cooley, the girl that was reported lost, strayed or
stolen, returned to the valley a few days ago with a husband whose
name is Pizell.
A picnic will be given at Prairie Creek school house on
Saturday. It is the last day of Ed. Rumble’s school, and people are
invited to bring their baskets and have a good time
Crow Creek Items: The harvest is upon us. John Velts
harvested a fine boy a few days ago and Sam Amey a boy.
Off on a Big Hunt.
Dec. 10, 1885
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Warnock, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Warnock and the Shields brothers are on a big hunt. We look
for them back soon with their wagons loaded with game.
Crow Creek Items: Since my last letter there has been a Grand
Ball at the Warnock house on Broadway. I was not present but I
learned from others that the Warnock’s were all there, also the
Misses Shields, the Misses Amey and Miss Smith. Johnale Shields,
Clark Amey, Geo. Holmes and many others.
Rev. Wood of Alder will preach at the Joseph school house on
next Sunday evening at early candle light.
Ole Miller and Julius Balter made final proof on the
preemptions before A. W. Gowan last Thursday.
Alder is Busy Place
March 25, 1886
There will be a free entertainment at the Alder school house on Friday evening. It being the last day of G. S. Reavis’ school. No pains have been spared to make this a first class entertainment. Everybody invited.
The editor of this paper paid the town of Alder a visit last week, the first for several months. He was agreeably surprised to find it growing so rapidly; several new houses and a church being in course of construction. The store of Conaway & Wilson is doing a thriving trade, the blacksmiths are busy and W. P. Samms is kept busy filling orders for sash, doors, etc. “May the good work prosper.”
F. A. Clarke An Optimist,
March 5, 1897
F. A. Clarke, who has been at Salem and
other outside points, returned on Tuesday’s stage. From his
observation he thinks times at least not worse in Wallowa than in
other parts of the state.
W. J. Funk is meeting with flattering success in his efforts to
raise funds to build a Christian church in this city. There is no
doubt but a nice and commodious church will be built this summer.
Messers, W. P. Samms, F. A. Reavis, G. M. Hendrickson and J. F.
Bater have received their new Victor bicycles and are now prepared
for excursions of all kinds, a trip on Yellowstone Park included.
Will Build Band Stand
March 12, 1897
C. H. Zurcher is meeting with good success in securing subscriptions for a band stand. The business men have subscribed liberally and it will certainly be completed in a few weeks. The city council donated 150 and the lower part of the stand will be used as a base house.
J. P. Gardner, a prominent resident of Enterprise, came over the first of the week to see about disposing of his wool clip. Mr. Gardner is considering the feasibility of constructing a large hotel building in Enterprise this spring – Elgen Recorder.
George Haas who has been attending the Flora Academy during the winter, returned home on the Friday’s stage. George speaks highly of the school and maters generally in that part of the county.
March 15, 1897
Church Dorrance was in the city making final proof on his timber culture claim.
Lost Prairie: George Ratcliff has been employed to teach in District No. 10, and Miss Maud Day will teach in Dist. No. 29.
Fixing Up Barber Shop
March 26, 1897
William Snyder is busy this week fixing up his barber shop. The papering is being done by “Doc” Brusha.
Charles Zurcher and J. A. Burleigh went to Elgin by private conveyance last Sunday. Mr. Burleigh goes to the state convention of the K. O. T. M. at Portland, and Charles did not know exactly whether he would also go to Portland, or to the Cove and visit his sister.
April 2, 1897
Miss Bertha Heman (now Mrs. Bertha Millard) is attempting to ride on horseback thru the night water last Thursday was thrown from her horse and was drifted against the fence where she lodged until Messers. Bater and Dunbar ran in and got her out.
G. O. P. Stands Firm.
April 2, 1897
The La Grande Observer is lamenting the
supposed eruption in the republican ranks in this state. Never fear
brother; the members of the republican party may indulge in domestic
quarrels that seemingly border on divorce proceedings but when it
comes to upholding and maintaining the principles of that party, you
will see every member in line ready to do his duty.
The Chinook wind last week raised the water in Prairie Creek so
high that the flat just south of town was a raging torrent. Ditches
had to be cut in the millrace to prevent it from overflowing and
running through the streets.
Need Electric Plant
April 16, 1897
Enterprise needs an electric light plant. Investigation will show that a second hand plant can be obtained at a nominal price, and in this county where freight is so high the price of the plant could almost be saved in one year.
A. C. Smith has purchased a residence and moved into town, and will hereafter devote his entire time to the practice of law.
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Bunch Grass Quartet
In those olden days there were famous singers who delighted the people at public gatherings. In the picture is a quartet composed of George M. Hendrickson, Dr. C. A. Ault, Carl Roe and C. H. Zurcher.