Baker County Businessmen

Geddes & Pollman

 This establishment is the principal one of its kind in Eastern Oregon, and in many respects the model one of the state. The present firm composed of J. A. Geddes and Wm. Pollman, succeeded Geddes & Kraft in 1889. At that time they were located in the rear of S. A. Heilner's in a small building 18x30. In 1891 they established the City Market moved there altogether in 1894, but being continually pressed for room, last year erected their present building, the New Market.
     It is 25x100, two stories and is beyond doubt the best constructed building in town. No expense was spared In finishing it, hard wood being used altogether. In the handling and display of meats all the modern devices are used, such as iron track, which enables them to run a beef from the front to any portion of the building, without handling it. Portable meat racks for display, etc.
    They are packers of the well known Nugget brand of cured meats and lard, this brand of beef lard being absolutely pure. Their slaughter houses are on the Virtue road, and it connection with stock and feed yards cover an area of 20 acres. They kill all their own meats, which is bought by Mr. J. A. Geddes, whose long experience in the business enables him to select only the best. They also own a number of ranches in the valley on which their beef and range cattle are kept until needed to kill. They put up 400 tons of ice a year for their own use, and contemplate shortly putting in a complete storage plant at the slaughter house. In addition to the one they now have in the New Market. They employ eleven experienced assistants, including the foreman, Andrew Manus, who supervises the curing of all meats. Their trade extends all through the mining country tributary to Baker City. Frank Geddes is in charge of the City Market which shop is also owned by the firm. William Pollman looks carefully after the inside business of the firm, both members of which are well known in commercial circles for their ability and enterprise

F. W. Hendley's Warehouse


 Baker City is steadily growing in importance commercially, and one of the institutions that will largely contribute to this advancement is the subject of our sketch. It is situated on the O. R. & N. Co.'s track, one hundred feet from any other building, and being covered with corrugated iron, is virtually safe against fire. Their business is to both store and forward merchandise for interior merchants, and the handling of wool, grain, flour, sugar, salt. rolled oats and canned goods on commission. The cut we present of the warehouse hardly does justice to it. The owner, F. W. Hendley also owns several warehouses at Pendleton, but has lately sold his grain warehouse there to the Hamilton & Bourke system. He will still operate his wool warehouse, in connection with this one. He does strictly a commission business, and has had fifteen years experience at it. Their forwarding business extends over the counties of Baker, Union and Grant. G. F. Johnson has acted as local manager since the warehouse passed into Mr. Hendley's hands.

The Sagamore

An engraving of the Sagamore is shown in this issue of the Democrat. This, one of the best hotels in Eastern Oregon, was erected by J. B. Griswold last season, and opened under the present management October 1st. The building is well arranged and very commodious, consisting of forty-four rooms, with elegant verandas surrounding it, giving it the homelike appearance an inspection of its interior discloses. The main office is well arranged, supplied as it is with a number of conveniences for guests, including all the leading periodicals and magazines. The baggage room opens off the private office in such a manner that the loss of a piece of baggage cannot possibly occur. The writing room, which opens to the right of the main hall, is very nice a person being enabled to enjoy quietude while attending to their correspondence. The dining room is on the ground floor, and is furnished in a tasty and elegant manner, and he table is supplied with all the markets afford.
     The universal opinion of the traveling public is that the best meals in Eastern Oregon are served here. The kitchen is neat, clean and well ventilated, to a much greater degree than usually found in a hotel. In the basement are located the commercial sample rooms, vegetable and fruit rooms, and what is beyond doubt one of the finest cold storage plants in the city. In this are hanging the juicy roasts and steaks which contribute to retain the reputation earned by their predecessors. The second floor is devoted to bed rooms, parlor, bath rooms, with the third floor as a repetition, find the fourth floor likewise. So expense has been spared in costly furnishing the house, and the patronage it enjoys has well paid for it. S. R Reeves, the proprietor, is a hotel man of many years experience, gained in leading hostelries in La Grande. Moscow and Portland. His wife ably assists him and since their arrival here they have made a host of friends

Brown & Heath

     The largest establishment of the kind in Baker City, and among the largest in Eastern Oregon. is the drug house of Brown & Heath. They carry a complete line of everything pertaining to the drug trade, including sundries of every description. The interior view we present of their store, will give you perhaps an idea of the stock they carry. No expense has been spared in fitting up their store for the display of goods, thirty-five hundred dollars being spent for fixtures alone. The proprietors, W. C. Brown and M. E. Heath, are both experienced druggists of many years standing, and accuracy is the keynote of their success. They have lately accepted the agency of the Kimball Organ and Piano Company, a line of instruments too well known to call for any especial mention.

Scott & Watson's Saw Mill


The sawmill of Scott & Watson, of which we present a cut, is situated at the foot of the Elkhorn Mountains, about five miles west from Haines. The plant covers about five acres, including dwellings of men, blacksmith shop, &c. They manufacture common and clear lumber, and being right in the midst of a fine belt of timber, including pine, fir and tamarack. They are in a fine position to cater to their many customers. They have lately put in an entire new lot of machinery, including boiler, engine, gang engine, &c, which will place them in even a better position to supply the demands of their trade. They employ from ten to fifteen teams and from twenty to twenty-four men, varying with the seasons.
     Sam Scott Is a native of Tennessee, and had been engaged in the saw mill business for a period of twelve years before coming to Oregon. He came to this country in 1895, and bought the plant on his arrival here.
     J. W. Watson was born in Missouri in 1802. He came to Oregon with his parents in 1862, and after receiving his education, followed farming in Linn County till 1887, coming here then he pursued the same occupation until March last, when he brought into the mill.

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Eastern Oregon Gold Fields


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