Business Leaders, Baker County, Oregon

Business Leaders

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Baker City Iron Works

Perhaps there is no concern in Baker City that more thoroughly deserves the unanimous support of the surrounding country than does the one above.  They occupy a half block of ground on Auburn Avenue, near the railroad track, and do general foundry and machine work, employing nineteen men, and turning out mining, saw mill and planing still machinery, and architectural iron work. The machine shop, which is two stories, is 40x40, the foundry 40x00, both having a complete equipment, including the most modern machinery, tools and appliances known to the industry. They have done a large amount of the beat work in this section, turning out lately three new Dodge rock crushers, two of which each weigh two and one-quarter tons, one for the B. C. Sampling works, of this city, and one for the Kaolin works at Huntington. Also four tons of mining machinery for the La Bellevue mine, and six tons of lintels or iron beams for the Ison building on Washington street.
     French & McLynn, the proprietors, are both able and experienced men, giving their personal supervision to the different departments. Mr. French, who has lately entered the firm, is a man of means, and has supervision of the office and outside business, while Mr. McLynn, who learned his trade in the U. S. navy yards at Philadelphia, has charge of the shops. Prior to his advent in Baker City, he was foreman of the Colorado Iron Works of Denver, for eight years, and also of the Willamette Iran Works, of Portland. for the same length of time.

Chandler Herefords

     Prominent among the self-made men of this county is lie whose name heads this sketch, and who has been a prominent character in business and political circles for many years past. He was born in Missouri, September 1, 1845 and came here in 1862, and has resided here ever since,
and has made a host of friends who have every confidence in his honesty, efficiency and integrity, and that they have not mistaken their man is evidenced by the fact that he has never betrayed them, and by his obliging and accommodating disposition has ever shown it willingness to do anything In his power to show his appreciation of their regard. He began ranching at Wingville in 1874, and soon became engaged in raising cattle, and in 1888 began raising thoroughbred stock, Herefords and Shorthorns, and is today the largest dealer in the state. He is especially favored in location for this business, owning as he does 960 acres on the Powder River, the finest hay land in the state. Besides he has his home place of 160 acres at Wingville, and a ranch of 480 acres on Wolf Creek, in Union County. He has lately added 89 head of Herefords from the Inter Ocean and Lord Dunraven herds, of Wyoming. Among his Shorthorns he has used such strains its Barrington, Geneva 2d, color red, bred by J. W. and C. C. Judy, of Falluia, Illinois, got by Geneva Duke, 19,841, out of Barrington Bates, 10th, by 20th Duke of Airdrie, 13872, second dam Barrington Belle, 4th. by Earl of Barrington 23017, and tracing to imported Young Mary by Jupiter (2170), also Christmas Gift, 114,728, color red, bred by H. C. Duncan, of Osborn, Missouri, got by Imp. Chief Barron, (56210) out of 5th Gift of Locust Lawn by 7th Duke of Kirklington, 41797, and tracing to Imp. Daisy. We present a cut showing a few of the herd, including Conqueror's Hero, 122584, color roan, bred by Alex. Chalmers, of Centerville, Oregon, got by Conqueror. 111377, out of Ocean Spray, by Illustrious Duke, 112,409, second dam Ocean Wave, by 7th Earl of Darlington
 66011, and tracing to Imp. Honeysuckle by Royal Duke (25014). He was sired by Imp. Gray Monarch, who with four of his get took the sweepstakes over all breeds at the World's Fair at Chicago. Mr. Chandler has in the past acted as state representative from Baker County, also as joint senator from Baker and Malheur. He is an Odd Fellow, Workman and P. E. R. of Lodge 338, B. P. P E.

Waterman & Schmitz


     This representative enterprise dates its formation back to 1889. The premises occupied are on the corner of Front and Center streets, and are of ample dimensions for the storage of the large stock carried. Carrying a large stock of imported wines and liquors and cigars, their trade has steadily grown from a small beginning until today It is the largest in this section of the state. They cater extensively to the family trade, having such high grade goods in stock as Bond & Lilliard's, McBrayer's, Spring Hill, Old Hermitage, Old Crow, Jesse Moore, Crescent Rye and Bourbon, controlling the sole agency of the three latter brands of whiskies. 
     In cigars they carry all the lending brands, including Powell, Smith & Co.'s goods, La Flor de Madrid, Estrellas, Chancellors and others. They also own the Bottling Works, and manufacture all kinds of soft drinks, such as soda, cider, sarsaparilla, and so forth. In this department they employ five men continuously. Their success has been altogether due to their carrying pure liquors, and their reliable and honest treatment of all patrons. Few men can point to a more successful and dignified business career in Baker City, than John Waterman and John Schmitz, and no man has a higher standing either commercially or socially.

Henry Rust ~ Pacific Brewery

     A review of Baker City would be incomplete were we to omit mention of one of its most representative citizens. We refer to Henry Rust, proprietor of the leading brewery of this section, known as the Pacific Brewery. Mr. Rust was born in Bavaria, Germany, in 1835, and came to this country shortly before the outbreak of the Civil War. He enlisted as a private in the 13th New York Regiment of Volunteers, and continued with it until 1862, when be was seriously wounded and had to leave the service. He was later appointed commissary and served until the close of the war. Shortly after he came to the Pacific coast, and later associating himself with a partner, started a brewery at the mining camp of Clark's Creek. A few years later he concluded to travel, and spent a year and a half visiting the South American states. On his return he bought out his partner, and removing to Baker City, started a brewery on a small scale, which has been repeatedly enlarged until today It is a model brewery of 20,600-barrel capacity. He uses nothing but hops and barley in his brew, importing moat of his hops from Germany using the balance of Oregon grown; while his barley is all grown in this county. He has justly gained the reputation of making the purest and most healthful beer sold, and has also the honor of conducting the oldest establishment, continuously in business in Baker City, in the same place and under the same name. He is an extensive property owner, owning the Opera House in this city, and a number of tracts of land in the county. Mr. Rust has always been a member of the republican party, and has held several state and city offices. He has always had the welfare of Baker City at heart, and liberally supports any worthy enterprise brought to his notice.

W. E. Baker ~ Bakers Bakery

The above-named gentleman who operates the bakery on Main street, between Washington and Center, located here in March, 1894. He had a number of years experience in the business, and immediately went to work for C. Hollingsworth, and two years later bought him out. Finding the old quarters to small a year later he was compelled to move to his present place of business, which had been especially built for him. It is constructed of brick, 20x100 with a fine basement which he uses for storage purposes. His oven was constructed fit such a manner that he can use hot water in steaming his bread which is not done in any bakery in the state outside of Portland. In his corps of help he has one of the finest cake and pastry bakers an the Coast, and as a consequence he does quite an extensive wholesale business, supplying Huntington, Weiser, Sumpter and the many mining cutups, not only in bread and pastry, but in candles as well.   
    His salesroom presents an enticing appearance, supplied as it is with all manners and kinds of staple and fancy confectionery, largely of his own manufacture. This department is supplied with every appliance that can facilitate operations. and nothing but the choicest candles are made. Last season lie added a forty-quart motor power freezer, and using none but extracts manufactured by himself, soon established a reputation for the manufacture of that delicious edible, ice cream. The same reputation extends to his soda, due largely to the quality of fruit juices used. That Mr. Baker is a master of his business, can be seen from its growth in the short space of time he has had it. Originally there was only one baker employed. He now employs three, besides a candy maker and two clerks. A special feature is made of catering for balls, parties, etc.

Terry & Fleetwood

Of whose place of business we present a cut, are numbered among the most flourishing business houses of our city. They carry a complete line of staple and fanny groceries, queensware, glassware, etc. They also make a specialty of landing all kinds of green vegetables and fruits and undoubtedly carry the largest variety in the city. They are sole agents in the city for the world renowned teas and coffees of Chase & Sanborn, and through this line their business has been greatly increased. Messrs. Terry & Fleetwood and their assistants make it a point to treat all their customers with fairness and courtesy. They mark all their goods at as close a margin as possible, believing In making many small profits, and having their customers satisfied.

Shockley & McMurren

     The advantages possessed by this city for distribution of lumber and its products are recognized as of paramount importance, and have resulted in a trade which is of large proportions and constantly increasing in volume.  This enterprise was founded many years ago by McMurren & Crabell, and came into the hands of the present proprietors in 1893. They have a planning mill, box factory and lumberyard, also manufacture sash doors, blinds and mouldings, and carry a very large and complete line of window and plate glass. The plant is a complete one in every detail, being equipped with the most modern and best improved machinery, appliances and woodworking tools known to the industry. It is thoroughly lit by electricity, and none but skilled wood workmen are employed. The proprietors, Albert S. Shockley and A. L. McMurren, through their wide experience and exceptional business ability, have won a high place in the business world. Mr. McMurren is a native of our state, and Mr. Shockley almost so, as he has been in the State since he was three years old. In 1874 he came to Baker City and became engaged in the grocery business, in which he remained for two years. He then accepted a position as bookkeeper for McMurren & Crabill, and was with them until they sold out, and later with their successors, W. N. Thomas & Co., and the Baker City Consolidated Lumber Co. On their passing into the hands of a receiver, he accepted a position with Cato Johns, and later became secretary of the Johns Grocery Co. Selling out in 1893. He and Mr. McMurren, in October of that year, bought their present plant from the receiver of the B. C. Consolidated Lumber Co.

M. Weil & Company

     In journeying through life we occasionally run across some men who in business circles have fairly distanced competition, endowed with greater advantages perhaps, but still lacking some qualification possessed by themselves. This qualification may be embraced in the three words industry, integrity and business sagacity. The members of the above firm, M. Well and Carl Dilsheimer, are certainly endowed in this manner. In July, 1887, they succeeded Bamberger & Frank in the old White House building, which they occupied until the fire burned out that block. They then moved into a building built for them by Baer & Block, which they occupied until they moved into their own building in August, 1895. It is one of the most substantial brick buildings in town, being especially adapted to the display of the general line of merchandise they carry, which consists of dry goods, furnishings, clothing, boots and shoes, carpets and groceries. When they opened their doors it was with the distinct idea that volume meant success; they could no longer figure upon profits that existed in the past. The country was settling up, and business would be conducted more upon Eastern principles. Profits must necessarily be greatly reduced, and they expected to look to a gradual increasing business for adequate returns upon the capitol invested.
     With this idea in view they have ever been alive to the proposition of selling goods at figures that would enable them to handle more merchandise, until today they are the heaviest buyers in Eastern Oregon. In dry goods their business has grown to such an extent that they are enabled to largely buy of specialty houses.  The greatest care is used in the selection of the various fabrics, values and styles being always largely considered when they are made.  In men's furnishings they endeavor to carry a complete stock of men's furnishings goods, clothing and hats so well assorted as to meet alike the requirements of the fastidious dressers of the city and miner and stockman of the country.  They expect to serve the same customers year after year, and goods offered over their counters must possess genuine merit.  Having a reputation at stake they do not handle any but reputable goods.   Their shoes are all purchased direct from large manufacturers, and care has been exercised in selecting the different factories, so as to have shoes of large established reputations as regards both styles and wearing qualities. The stock embraces all the new lasts and toes, and covers children's women's and men's heavy and fine shoes. Their line of carpets comprises fully a hundred bolts, and includes Moquettes, Roxbury's, Brussels, Axminster. Velvets, etc. They also have the largest line of curtains, mattings, and linoleums to be found in the city. Closing, we would state here is a strictly modern "up-to date" store with ample capital to carry out the advanced ideas of the firm, which is composed of public spirited men, anxious to push Baker City to the front, and willing to devote their time, ability and money to that end.

Commercial Hotel

     One of the most popular hotels of our city is the "Commercial," Mrs. L. E. Miller, proprietor. The building is splendidly situated on First and Court streets convenient to the principal thoroughfare of the city. It possesses a large, bright guest rooms, single and en suite. The house is provided with every modern convenience, gas, electric light, hot and cold water all through it. The dining room is capable of seating forty people, and being under the personal supervision of the proprietor, is noted for its home cooking and satisfying meals. The rates are popular, ranging from $1.00 to $1.25 and considering the service are very reasonable indeed. Mrs. Miller has resided in Baker City for the past fifteen years, thirteen of which has been spent in this line of business, and everything being under her supervision. cleanliness and neatness are to be expected.

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